Fact Sheet Article View

New York and New Jersey Harbor Anchorages Project

Navigation Project

New York District
Published Feb. 14, 2024

DESCRIPTION (PROJECT AREA AND PURPOSE): Currently, existing federal anchorages in the New York and New Jersey Harbor are insufficient in meeting the variety of functions (e.g., security and U.S. Coast Guard inspections, lightering, bunkering/refueling, waiting areas, and emergency “bailout” areas) they are used for as part of normal harbor operations, which reduces vessel safety and cargo transportation efficiency. 

The Corps’ Anchorages study evaluated many reasonable project alternatives related to the improvement of the anchorage(s) associated with the New York and New Jersey Harbor Federal Navigation 50-foot Project. The study considered changed conditions and/or assumptions since the original feasibility study was completed in 2000.  The Anchorage study addressed the need for anchorage area(s) capable of safely accommodating the vessels navigating the anchorages at present and reasonably projected to be navigating them in the future.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has studied and recommended in April 2020 the deepening of part of the federal navigation anchorages in the Port of New York and New Jersey.

PROJECT AUTHORIZATION: Section 401(1) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, passed into law on December 27, 2020, authorized construction of the recommended plan. 

RECOMMENDED PLAN:  The recommended plan is to expand and deepen only the Gravesend Anchorage to accommodate a 3,600 foot diameter circle which will provide sufficient anchorage and turning radius for a 1,200 long container vessel.  This is also the least environmentally impacting alternative considered, with the least dredging volume (approximately 950,000 cubic yards) and smallest area needed to be deepened out of all anchorage alternatives considered.  

The estimated total cost for designing and constructing the Anchorages project is estimated at $34,122,000 at 2025 price levels with a benefit to cost ratio of 1.4 at a discount rate of 2.75%.   The fiscal year 2022 Omnibus Appropriations Act funded this project $1,125,000 to perform the preconstruction, engineering and design (PED) phase work.  The PED phase was initiated on May 22, 2023 with the execution of the design agreement with The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, the non-federal project sponsor.  The PED phase work is cost-shared at 75% federal and 25% non-Federal and expected to be performed over a period of approximately 30 months.  The PED phase work will make the project ready for construction, which will utilize carry-over federal construction funding from the prior New York & New Jersey Harbor Deepening 50 ft. Navigation Project.  

AUTHORIZED PROJECT COST (updated to 2025 price levels):

Estimated Federal Cost                              $25,592,000

Estimated Non-Federal Cost                      $  8,530,000

Total                                                           $34,122,000




Bryce Wisemiller

Project Manager

P: (917) 790-8307

Email: bryce.w.wisemiller@usace.army.mil

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District

26 Federal Plaza

New York, NY 10278