Coastal Storm Risk
Management Feasibility Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is conducting a feasibility study in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to evaluate potential coastal storm damage risk management measures for Highlands, Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey. Existing conditions data has been collected for the study area, and preliminary alternatives formulation and evaluation (no action, non-structural and structural alternatives) has been completed and is documented in the draft feasibility report. After public and agency technical review of the draft feasibility report, the study team’s next step will be to optimize a recommended coastal storm risk management plan.
July 2020 Update: Please note that the Final Integrated Feasibility Report & Environmental Assessment (FIFR/EA) and proposed Report of the Chief of Engineers for the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook, Highlands, New Jersey Coastal Storm Risk Management Study is currently undergoing State and Federal Agency review as required by the Flood Control Act of 1944. Upon receipt of their comments, the Report of the Chief of Engineers will be finalized and submitted to the Secretary of the Army for transmittal to Congress. The 30-day State and Agency review period ends on July 16, 2020.
Chief's Report
Congressional Notification
Finding of No Significant Impact
Letter of Support
Main Report
Refer to the Fact Sheet for more information or contact the Project Manager.