Final Chief’s Report, 2024

South Shore of Staten Island Coastal Storm Risk Management Project

The South Shore of Staten Island Coastal Storm Risk Management Project area is located along the south shore of the New York City borough of Staten Island from Fort Wadsworth to Oakwood Beach.  The project is in close partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and City of New York.

Additional information is available by clicking on the fact sheet and the placemat for this project.



December 2024 update:  The contract for construction Interior Drainage Area E (at South Beach) is currently underway and will start onsite construction Spring 2025. This is the first of several construction contracts that will occur over the next few years to construct the overall South Shore of Staten Island project, including additional interior drainage areas, seawall, etc.  Designs for each of the remaining construction contracts is currently underway, including ongoing coordination with the State & City of New York to finalize specific project designs and details.

June 2024 update:  The contract for construction of large interior drainage ponds and associated stormwater infrastructure in the South Shore of Staten Island (SSSI) Area-E at South Beach was awarded to Triumph Construction Corp. for a total of $133M.  This contract includes the construction of detention basins connected with an open channel culvert, various stormwater drainage structures such as box culverts, junction chambers, sluice gates, weir chambers, flap gates, and inlets for future stormwater inlets, as well as the relocation of existing sanitary sewers. 

This is the first of several construction contracts that will occur over the next few years to construct the overall South Shore of Staten Island project, including additional interior drainage areas, seawall, etc.  Designs for each of the remaining construction contracts is currently underway.  Significant coordination with the State & City of New York to finalize specific project designs and associated details is ongoing. 

February 2024 update:  The Final Validation Report, and Final Chief of Engineers Report have been completed.  These reports document project updates, including: required design refinements of various project features, updated total project cost estimate, updated project cost-sharing, updated economic benefits, and updated environmental impact assessment.

The first construction contract for this project, Interior Drainage Area E (South Beach), which includes both Corps and NYCDEP interior drainage efforts, is currently under contract solicitation, with construction anticipated to begin later this Spring.

Design of all project construction contracts is currently underway, including significant coordination between the Corps and State & City of New York.

November 2023 Update: Design efforts to prepare all project construction contracts are currently underway. 

A Final Staten Island Validation Report was recently prepared by the Corps in order to document several project updates, including required design refinements of various project features, updated total project cost estimate, updated non-Federal project cost-sharing, updated economic benefits, and updated environmental impacts assessment.  All updates will also be summarized in a new Chief’s Report, currently under finalization.

As required by the 1944 Flood Control Act (33 USC 701-1), a 30-day State and Agency Review by pertinent agencies is required.  As of November 7, 2023, formal letters have been sent inviting the pertinent agencies to review the Draft Chief’s Report and the Final Validation Report.  Please note, this is not a review under NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act).  As part of the Final Validation Report, a Memorandum for the Record (MFR) was prepared to describe impact changes and any compliance updates since the project’s 2016 Record of Decision (ROD), in accordance with Section 13(d) of Engineer Regulation (ER) 200-2-2, Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), (USACE, 1988) and the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500-1508). 

The assessment of each design change of the proposed action resulted in minor, de minimis, beneficial, or no significant impacts to the resources. No adverse significant impacts were identified, and the results of this analysis are within the range of impacts identified in the ROD. The Corps has determined the MFR is sufficient environmental documentation and no additional NEPA documentation is necessary.

January 2023 Update:  Design of all project construction contracts is currently underway, including assessment of potential design refinements for several project features and updated project cost estimates.  Project schedule revisions are also currently being assessed.  Significant coordination is ongoing between the Corps and State & City of New York.   

April 2021 - Design of all eight (8) construction contracts is underway, including significant coordination with State & City of New York to finalize specific project design details.

September/October 2020 — Cultural resources investigations conducted in the project area. 

November 2019*** November 2019 - Presentation Overview Update.

September 2019 — Major first steps during the design phase included data gathering for overall construction contract designs, including new surveys, mapping, geotechnical borings, hazardous material assessments, and cultural resource investigations. Updated information will be made available on the placemat and via a news release as each project contract design progresses.   

August 2019 — The Staten Island, Coastal Storm Risk Management Project full design efforts for each construction contract is currently underway. The project will be constructed in various segments, which are depicted on the project placemat including estimated contract award dates. 

February 2019 —The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, and the State of New York executed a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) on February 15, 2019 for the South Shore of Staten Island New York, Coastal Storm Risk Management Project.

The Final Feasibility Report, Final Environmental Impact Statement and Final Record of Decision were formally approved by a Director's Report on October 27, 2016, and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) approval on December 8, 2016.  The design phase for preparation of plans and specifications for project construction was initiated in early 2017.