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FACT SHEET - South Shore of Staten Island, N.Y.

Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Dec. 9, 2024

STORM HISTORY: The project area on Staten Island, NY has a long history of storm damages and has experienced major damages from various recent storm events, including the Nor'easter of December 1992, the March storm of 1993, and Super Storm Sandy of October 2012. These storms caused flood damages, loss of structures, large scale emergency evacuations and fatalities within several communities. The area is now increasingly vulnerable to severe damages even from moderate storms.

AUTHORIZATION: A Feasibility Study was authorized by U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, adopted May 13, 1993. The purpose of the study was to identify possible risk management solutions for hurricane and storm damages in the area, and to determine whether Federal participation was warranted in constructing shore protection measures.  Per funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and Public Law 113-2 (the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013) the Feasibility Study was completed and approved in 2016.  Public Law 113-2 also provided authorization and Federal funding necessary to initiate project design & construction. The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022) also provided further authorization for the project, including the updated project cost and updated project cost-sharing provisions.

FORT WADSWORTH TO OAKWOOD BEACH:  The Final Feasibility Report, Final Environmental Impact Statement, and Final Record of Decision were approved by a Director's Report in October 2016 and were formally approved by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works and provided for Congressional notification in December 2016. The Final Validation Report was completed in January 2024, and documented several project updates, including required design refinements of various project features, an updated total project cost estimate, updated project cost-sharing, updated economic benefits, and updated environmental impact assessment.  The Final Chief of Engineers Report was completed in February 2024, and was provided for Congressional notification.

The Design Phase, necessary to prepare the project’s construction plans and specifications for each construction contract, was initiated in 2017 and is currently underway. Major steps during design include development of construction designs, surveys, utilities, geotechnical subsurface borings, hazardous material assessments, cultural resource and environmental investigations, various interior/coastal modeling efforts, and the preparation of construction contract designs, plans & specifications for each anticipated construction contract, including required coordination with the State and City of New York.

A Project Partnership Agreement (PPA), necessary for project design and construction of the project, was executed in February 2019 between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of New York (the project sponsor), with the City of New York also party to the agreement.  The project sponsor (State of New York) and the City of New York are responsible for all operation and maintenance requirements once the project is completed. An Amendment to this PPA is anticipated to be executed in 2025, as necessary to incorporate the Final Chief’s Report, updated project costs, and updated project cost-sharing provisions.

The project’s first construction contract, Interior Drainage Area E (located at South Beach), which includes the construction of large interior drainage ponds and associated stormwater infrastructure, was awarded to Triumph Construction in June 2024 at $133M.  The Area E contract includes the construction of detention basins connected with an open channel culvert, various stormwater drainage structures such as box culverts, junction chambers, sluice gates, weir chambers, flap gates, and inlets for future stormwater inlets, as well as the relocation of existing sanitary sewers.  Project construction within Area E is now underway.

The Area E contract is the first of several construction contracts that will occur over the next few years to construct the overall South Shore of Staten Island project, including additional interior drainage areas in New Creek and Oakwood, the overall seawall from Oakwood Beach up to Fort Wadsworth, and other project features (levee, floodwall, closure gate, tide gates, etc).  Designs for each of the remaining construction contracts is currently underway, including significant ongoing coordination with the State & City of New York, as well as National Park Service, to finalize specific project designs and associated details. 

*Please see the Staten Island Corps webpage and project placemat for updates, construction contract breakouts, anticipated schedules, etc. 

GREAT KILLS TO TOTTENVILLE: As a reminder, this specific area was also assessed during the feasibility study, however it was determined there was no justified Federal action for this reach.

Frank Verga
Project Manager
P: (917) 790-8212
Email: Frank.Verga@usace.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Programs and Project Management Division  
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278