Fast Facts

USACE manages, designs and executes a full range of cleanup and protection activities, such as:

  • Cleaning up sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic or radioactive waste or ordnance through the Formerly Used Defense Sites program
  • Cleaning up low-level radioactive waste from the nation’s early atomic weapons program through the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
  • Supporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by cleaning up Superfund sites and working with its Brownfields and Urban Waters programs
  • Supporting the Army with the Base Realignment and Closure Act program
  • Ensuring that facilities comply with federal, state and local environmental laws
  • Conserving cultural and natural resources
  • Restoring degraded ecosystems through the District's Civil Works program



New York District Environmental Program
Mailing Address:
USACE New York District
26 Federal Plaza Rm 17-420
New York, NY 10278


Environmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment (EA)

The Environmental Branch provides leadership and technical support to Planning Division and New York District in all environmental and ecosystems initiatives, management, and policy. The Environmental Branch is responsible for ensuring the District’s activities are in compliance with all environmental and cultural resource laws and regulations, from planning, studies and agency coordination to project monitoring, mitigation, and habitat restoration. Through active involvement with professional associations and communities the Environmental Branch staff bring value to North Atlantic Division., the USACE Planning Community of Practice, and USACE National and regional initiatives. The Environmental Branch publishes public notices, notices of intent, availability of environmental documents, environmental assessments and environmental impact statements for public review and comment.

Major Areas of Responsibility

  • Environmental compliance, including but not limited to NEPA, Section 106, and FWCA
  • Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) assessments
  • Environmental baseline monitoring
  • Environmental mitigation
  • Environmental restoration
  • Habitat delineations/valuation
  • Dredged material management
  • Section 106 and 110 NHPA reviews
  • Project permits and environmental P&S in contracts
  • Contract management
  • Support for other Districts (e.g., technical support, Agency Technical Reviews)
  • Environmental compliance support to Military Installations
  • Clean Air Act compliance support for Districts within NAD
  • Environmental compliance support to military installations

Clinton Area Development Plan EIS
Audi Land Acquisition EA
West Point ICRMP  

Fort Hamilton Child Development Center