The Maywood site is located in a highly developed area of northeastern New Jersey, in the boroughs of Maywood and Lodi and the township of Rochelle Park. It is located approximately 13 miles northeast of Newark, New Jersey. Contamination at the properties resulted from rare earths and thorium processing activities conducted at the Maywood Chemical Works (MCW) from the early 1900 through 1959. MCW stopped extracting thorium in 1959. The property was subsequently sold to the Stepan Company (Stepan), a pharmaceutical manufacturer, in 1959. The Maywood site is composed of the Maywood Interim Storage Site (MISS) and various nearby properties, including the Stepan property and numerous residential, commercial, and government properties in Maywood, Rochelle Park, and Lodi, New Jersey. All of the residential properties have been remediated under an ongoing Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) non-time critical removal action.
Helen K. Edge, Project Manager
Phone: (917) 790-8332
Email: Helen.K.Edge@usace.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Programs and Project Management Division
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278