HRE - Hudson Raritan Estuary Ecosystem Restoration



November 25, 2024


  • HRE- Oyster Restoration at Naval Weapons Station Earle:  Geotechnical borings were completed (November 2-3, 2024) and hydrodynamic instruments (including acoustic doppler current profilers and turbidity sensors) were deployed (November 21, 2024) between the piers to collect data over the next 45-days. Site monitoring will collect data on currents and waves, which will be used to refine the hydrodynamic model. The hydrodynamic model will be used to understand the hydraulic conditions of the installation site and the impact of the oysters on currents and waves. In addition, salinity and turbidity will be monitored to inform the design of the oyster restoration and the development of a long-term monitoring program.


October 31, 2024

  • HRE-Duck Point Marsh Island Restoration: Field Sampling including bathymetric and topographic surveys (August and September 2024), biological surveys (wetland delineation, bio-benchmark surveys, vegetative mapping in September 2024), and geotechnical borings October 26-27, 2024) have been completed.


October 31, 2024

  • HRE-Duck Point Marsh Island Restoration: Field Sampling including bathymetric and topographic surveys (August and September 2024), biological surveys (wetland delineation, bio-benchmark surveys, vegetative mapping in September 2024), and geotechnical borings (Completed: October 26-27, 2024) have been completed.

May 29, 2024

  • Additional Funding for Engineering and Design was provided for:
    • HRE - Fresh Creek Restoration:   Remaining Federal funds ($2,750,000) to complete the engineering and designs for Fresh Creek Restoration were included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024.  The Fresh Creek Project plans to restore a mosaic of 80 acres of habitat including low marsh, high marsh, scrub/shrub wetlands, maritime forest and bed/channel restoration.  The Design Agreement was executed with NYCDEP on May 29, 2024 and the engineering and design phase has been initiated.
    • HRE-Duck Point Marsh Island Restoration:  Federal Funds ($2,275,000) were provided in the FY23 Summer Spend Plan for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).  The Project plans to restore a mosaic of 47 acres of habitat (low marsh, high marsh, scrub/shrub wetlands, tidal channels and shallows) beneficially using more than 220,000 CYD of dredged material. The Design Agreement was executed with NYCDEP on May 29, 2024 and the engineering and design phase has been initiated.   
  • The HRE- Harlem River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study will be the first Feasibility Study Spin-off for the HRE Program.  $500,000 was provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024.  A Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) is expected to be executed with NYCDEP as the local sponsor in 2025.

See the HRE Placemat for an updated summary of the study background and details (costs, habitat acreage, designs) for the 20 recommended sites.

September 11, 2023

Pre-Construction Engineering and Design Phase:  The first six (6) restoration sites are currently underway through five (5) projects:

  • HRE-Stony Creek Marsh Island Restoration:  New York District (NYD) and NYCDEP executed a Design Agreement on July 28, 2022 to complete PED for the restoration of 62 acres of marsh island (low marsh, high marsh, scrub/shrub, tidal channels, shallow water) in Jamaica Bay following placement of >150,000 CYD of dredged material beneficially used from the O&M of the Jamaica Bay Federal Channel (or other O&M or construction project) for a total project cost of $29,726,000 (FY22 price level).
  • HRE-Flushing Creek Restoration Project: NYD and NYCDEP executed a Design Agreement on July 28, 2022 to complete PED for the restoration ~19 acres of a mosaic of habitats (wetlands, scrub/shrub, maritime forest and shallow water habitat) through invasive vegetation removal, re-grading, placement of clean cover/growing media and native plantings for a total project cost of $21,032,000 (FY22 price level).  
  • HRE-Bronx Zoo & Dam and Stone Mill Dam Restoration Project: NYD and NYC Parks executed a Design Agreement on 29 June 2022 to complete PED for the restoration of fish passage in the Bronx River and restoration of freshwater wetlands, stabilize streambanks and restore channel beds for a total project cost of $19,850,000 (FY22 price level).
  • HRE-Oysters at Naval Station Earle Restoration Project: NYD and NJDEP executed a Design Agreement on 14 September 2022 to restore 10 acres of oyster reefs using oyster castles, shell and gabions for a total project cost of $10,999,000 (FY22 price level). The project will expand an existing smaller pilot reef footprint that was constructed in 2012 by the NY/NJ Baykeeper.
  • HRE-Fresh Creek Restoration Project: NYD and NYCDEP will execute a Design Agreement (pending) to restore 80 acres of habitat (low marsh, high marsh, scrub/shrub, maritime forest, and bed/channel restoration) within Fresh Creek in Jamaica Bay for a total project cost of $50,987,000 (FY24 price level).  Federal funds ($500,000) were included in the FY2023 Omnibus Energy & Water Bill.

FY24 House appropriations bill included $5.025M and Senate bill included $5.525M for HRE including funds to complete Fresh Creek engineering and design, initiate and complete engineering and design for Duck Point Marsh Island and initiate engineering and design for Garth Woods/Harney Road on the Bronx River.

May 26, 2020

A Chief of Engineers Report for the Hudson Raritan Estuary (HRE) was signed by Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite on May 26, 2020, making it eligible for congressional authorization.  The Chief's Report recommends 20 ecosystem restoration projects throughout the New York Harbor.



See the HRE Comprehensive Restoration Plan for further details. 

Final Documents Below:

Signed Chief of Engineer’s Report

Signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Main Report - Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment
Appendix A:  Local Sponsor Support Letters
Appendix B:  Ongoing Restoration Efforts
Appendix C:  Engineering
Appendix D:  Plan Formulation
Appendix E:  Benefits
Appendix F:  Regulatory Compliance
Appendix G:  Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste
Appendix H:  Cultural Resources Documentation
Appendix I:    Cost Engineering
Appendix J:   Cost Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analysis
Appendix K: Future “Spin-Off” Feasibility Studies
Appendix L:   Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan
Appendix M:  Real Estate Plan    
Appendix N:  Public Comments from Draft FR/EA

March 16, 2020:  

The Final Integrated Feasibility Report & Environmental Assessment (FR/EA) and proposed Report of the Chief of Engineers for the Hudson Raritan Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study underwent State and Federal Agency review from March 16, 2020 through April 15, 2020 as required by the Flood Control Act of 1944.  Comments received during this time period were addressed and the Draft Report of the Chief of Engineers and Final Integrated FR/EA were then finalized.

Draft Chief of Engineer’s Report

Unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Main Report - Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

April 19, 2017:  

Formal presentations from Public Information Meetings held at the Hackensack Meadowlands Environmental Center on April 19th and Jamaica Bay NPS Ryan Visitor Center on April 25th are available for download by clicking the linked text.

April 6, 2017:  

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted the first public information session on April 6, 2017 to share information regarding the Hudson Raritan Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study and the Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment to gather feedback from the public.  The posters and formal presentation from this meeting can be downloaded in PDF form below.

Two additional public Information meetings occurred  on April 19, 2017 at the Meadowlands Environmental Center (Two DeKorte Park Plaza, Lyndhurst N.J.) and April 25, 2017 at Floyd Bennett Field, Ryan Visitor Center (50 Aviation Road, Brooklyn N.Y.).  Both meetings had two sessions at 1 p.m.  and at 6 p.m.  


April 5, 2017:  


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District announces the extension of the review period for the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (FR/EA) for the HRE Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study for an additional 15 days. 
The comment period closed May 1, 2017.


February 27, 2017:  

The Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (Draft FR/EA) for the Hudson-Raritan Estuary (HRE) Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study is out for 45 day public review and are posted below.


Additional Information and Comments:

To see notice of availability, click here.


Questions regarding the Draft FR/EA should be directed to:

Ms. Lisa Baron
Project Manager
New York District Corps of Engineers  
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278-0090  
Phone: (917) 790-8306

Comments should be sent to

Study reports: 


Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment 

Appendix A:     Local Sponsor Support Letters
Appendix B:     Ongoing Restoration Efforts
Appendix C:     Fish Passage Opportunities
Appendix D:     Engineering
Appendix E:     Alternatives Development
                             E-1: Jamaica Bay
                             E-2: Jamaica Bay Marsh Islands
                             E-3: Flushing Creek
                             E-4: Bronx River
                             E-5: Newark Bay, Hackensack and Lower Passaic
                             E-6: Small-Scale Oyster Restoration 

Appendix F:     Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
Appendix G:    Regulatory Agency Coordination - Protected Species and Rare Habitats; Fish and..
Appendix H:    Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive Waste
Appendix I:     Cultural Resources Documentation
Appendix J:    Coastal Zone Management
Appendix K:   Tentatively Selected Plan Summary Sheets
Appendix L:    Cost Engineering
Appendix M:   Cost Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analysis
Appendix N:   Future New Phase Spin-off Feasibility Study Sites
Appendix O:   Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan
Appendix P:   Real Estate Plan
Appendix Q:   Programmatic Section 404 (b)(1) Evaluation
Appendix R:   Draft FONSI

For more information, please read the Fact Sheet or contact the Project Manager if you have any questions regarding the Study.