December 27, 2020 Update: The Hudson River Habitat Restoration’s Recommended Projects were authorized for construction in the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 for a total cost of $44,638,000 (Federal- $33,479,000 and Non-Federal-$11,159,000).
November 19, 2020 Update: Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, USACE Commanding General and 55th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, signed the Hudson River Habitat Restoration Ecosystem Restoration Chief’s Report representing the completion of the study and making it eligible for congressional authorization. The Chief’s Report recommends three individual ecosystem restoration projects including Henry Hudson Park, Schodack Island Park and Moodna Creek within the 125-mile study area from the Federal Lock and Dam at Troy, NY to the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. These projects would restore a total of approximately 22.8 acres of tidal wetlands, 8.5 acres of side channel and wetland complex, and 1,760 linear feet of living shoreline with 0.6 acres of tidal wetlands. The plan would also reconnect 7.8 miles of tributary habitat to the Hudson River through the removal of 3 barriers along Moodna Creek. Final documents found to the left.
October 16, 2020 Update: The Final Integrated Feasibility Report & Environmental Assessment (FR/EA) and proposed Report of the Chief of Engineers for the Hudson River Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study underwent State and Federal Agency review from October 16, 2020 through November 16, 2020 as required by the Flood Control Act of 1944. No comments were received and the Report of the Chief of Engineers was then finalized.
June 24, 2019 Update:
The Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (Draft FR/EA) for the Hudson River Habitat Restoration (HRHR) Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study is out for 30-day public review and are posted below.
To see notice of availability, click here.
The Draft Integrated FR/EA will be out for a 30-day public review period. The public review period will end July 26, 2019.
Please submit comments on this Draft Integrated FR/EA via email to HRHR_FREA_Comments@usace.army.mil.

For questions about the project, please contact:
Lisa Baron, Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza,
New York, NY 10279-0090
(917) 790-8306
For more information, please read the Fact Sheet or you can contact the Project Manager if you have any questions regarding the Study.