Lake Montauk Harbor, NY Navigation Improvement Project

For more information please read the Fact Sheet.

May 2024 update:  Project design is currently underway, including incorporation of early 2024 updated survey data.  The project includes channel deepening to -17 ft MLLW, with placement of the dredged material on the eroded shoreline west of the inlet jetty, and excess channel rock disposed at a NYS offshore reef. The construction contract for this channel deepening effort is currently scheduled for Award in Late 2025, upon Sponsor (Town) acquisition of necessary real estate, and completion of contract plans/specifications, including required permits.

October 2023 update:  The recommended plan for Lake Montauk Harbor is to deepen the channel and authorize a deposition basin utilizing the Corps’ Continuing Authorities Program, Section 107.  The recommended plan is the deepening of the navigation channel to -17 ft. MLLW and creation and maintenance of a deposition basin 100 ft. wide immediately east of the channel.  Material from the initial deepening will be placed on the eroded shoreline west of the inlet jetty.  A Project Partnership Agreement for project design and construction was executed September 2022 between the Corps and Town of East Hampton.  Project design is currently underway, and project construction of the channel deepening is scheduled for Late 2024, upon Town acquisition of real estate necessary for placement of dredged material west of the inlet.


Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study, Dec 2020


Lake  Montauk Harbor Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study Final Feasibility Report 

Appendix A: Engineering and Design

Appendix B: Cost Engineering 

Appendix C: Economics 

Appendix D: Real Estate 

Lake Montauk Harbor Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study Final Environmental Assessment

Finding of No Significant Impact: Lake Montauk Harbor Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study

Appendix A: Clean Water Act

Appendix B: Essential Fish Habitat Assessments

Appendix C: Endangered Species Act - USFWS

Appendix D: Endangered Species Act - NMFS

Appendix E: Cultural Resources 

Appendix F: CZMA Consistency Determination - with letter

Appendix F: CZMA Consistency Determination

Appendix G: CZMA Consistency Determination