Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) Project - Nonstructural

This page is for informational purposes for homeowners in the pilot project area. Applications and schedules have not yet been posted. Please check back for updates.

For residents of Frederick Shores and Mastic Beach interested in home elevations: see our nonstructural interest portal (link coming soon).

Pilot Summary

This page provides information for the nonstructural component of the FIMP Project.

Information below is specific to the Pilot Area of Mastic Beach and Frederick Shores.  

Communities Eligible for the Pilot:  

  • Mastic Beach in the Town of Brookhaven  
  • Frederick Shores in the Town of Babylon  

 The Pilot areas were chosen based on the following primary criteria:  

  • Need  
  • Interest of the community in participating  
  • Social justice community  
  • History of similar type of work being done in the area  
  • Scale, size and number of the homes  
  • Ability for a successful pilot project based on contract/bid desirability.   

Pilot Summary   

The FIMP study identified 3,675 structures in the 10-year floodplain as potentially eligible for elevation. Of these, 245 structures are in the pilot area. Homeowners are eligible for the Pilot if their home is identified in the 10-year floodplain, and not already elevated. Homes that have previously been elevated or received grant money for elevation by another federal agency are not eligible. USACE will conduct initial outreach to determine eligibility. “Nonstructural” is a term used nationally by USACE to refer to home elevations, flood-proofing and home acquisitions. Under this project, the term “nonstructural” primarily refers to home elevations. Home acquisitions represent a small percentage of project and those homeowners identified for acquisition have been contacted individually.   

Nonstructural work was authorized under several contracts. Home elevations throughout the FIMP project area will happen under different contracts. The Pilot Project will be the first contract for elevations and construction is scheduled to begin in 2025. The remaining nonstructural implementation is scheduled to begin in 2026. The purpose of the Pilot is to fine-tune our implementation of the home elevation process. We selected two communities based on the criteria listed above as a sample group within the larger project footprint. Elevations for the Pilot are voluntary and eligible homeowners will remain eligible for elevations in future contracts if they choose to not participate in the Pilot.

FAQs related to home elevations are below.  

Pilot Project Area

The pilot area encompasses homes within the 10-year flood plain in the communities of Mastic Beach and Frederick Shores. The pilot area designation, within the red line on the maps below, is in draft form as we are in active discussions with the Town of Babylon and may expand the pilot footprint. If you are a homeowner in this designated area, please reach out to us to indicate your interest in elevating your home by submitting an application on our portal. If you reside in the larger FIMP project area but not in these two communities, please hold off on submitting an application. More information on when construction will start in your community is forthcoming. 

What Can Nonstructural Measures Look Like?

Elevation on Walls (Elevation)

Differential hydrostatic pressure on solid foundation walls can lead to structural damage. Flood vents near the bottom of the foundation walls safely allow water pressure to equalize on both sides of foundation walls.

Raised Home on Posts or Piles (Elevation)

A non-elevated structure in the flood zone is prone to flooding.

  • Building retrofit measures include elevation of a structure or possibly dry flood proofing of a structure.
  • Elevation of a structure is usually limited to smaller residential and commercial buildings.
  • Whether a structure may be elevated depends on several factors, including the foundation type, wall type, size of structure, condition, etc.

Acquisition or Relocation

  • Often considered a drastic approach to storm damage reduction, property acquisition and structure removal are usually associated with frequently damaged structures.
  • Implementation of other measures may be effective but if a structure is subject to repeated storm damage, this measure may represent the best alternative to eliminating risks to the property and residents.

Example Documents for Homeowners

Click here to be directed to our Nonstructural Interest Portal (link coming soon).

Documents Needed:

  1. Applications by landowners (application will be on the portal)
  2. Rights of Entry (ROE)
  3. Restrictive Covenant execution
  4. Title
  5. Loan Subordination
  6. Current survey of property if homeowner has one.
  7. Current elevation certificate if homeowner has one.
  8. Asbestos abatement and Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive Waste (HTRW) cleanup where applicable (owner's responsibility)
  9. Illegal and/or non-permitted structures on property will need permits and all structures need to be brought up to code prior to our construction.

*This list is included as an example of potential necessary documents that may be helpful for the homeowner to have. After applications are submitted, USACE will reach out to each homeowner to coordinate further.

Nonstructural FAQs

Upcoming Public Meetings


Construction Phases



Project Manager: Mark Lulka 

For project specific questions or technical questions regarding the application portal please contact: