Fire Island to Montauk Point - Reports

Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point Reformulation Study

The shoreline along the south shore of Long Island, NY between Fire Island Inlet and Montauk Point has a long history of damages due to beach erosion and coastal storms, notably from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. This report is considered a General Reevaluation Report (GRR) because there is an existing, authorized project for the area, formulated in the 1950s, that was partially constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, based upon the 1960 authorization. A Reformulation effort to revisit the authorized plan and identify a long-term solution to manage the risk of coastal storm damages was initiated in 1980, subsequently suspended, and then resumed in 1994. A Final Environmental Impact Statement and GRR was drafted and released in February 2020. A Report of the Chief of Engineers was submitted to the Secretary of the Army for transmittal to Congress in July 2020; a final record of decision was signed in September 2020. The recommended plan includes sand bypassing and dredging, renourishment, breach response plans, mainland nonstructural measures, removal of Ocean Beach groins, and coastal process features for 12 barrier island and two mainland locations.

FIMP GRR Study Report and Appendices

Final Chief's Report

Final Record of Decision

Final General Reevaluation Report

Errata Sheet

Appendix A: Engineering

Appendix A1: Baseline Conditions: Storm Surge Modeling and Stage Frequency Generation

Appendix A2: Storm-Induced Beach Erosion Response-Frequency Relationships

Appendix A3: Tidal Inlet Investigations

Appendix A4: Numerical Modeling of Old Inlet Breach Opening

Appendix A5: Triggers for Proactive Breach Response

Appendix A6: Plates

Appendix B: Borrow Area Investigations

Appendix C: Cost Engineering

Appendix D: Economic Benefits

Appendix D1: Recreation

Appendix E: Plan Formulation

Appendix F: Real Estate Plan

Appendix G: Public Access Plan

Appendix H: Land Management

Appendix I: Coastal Process Features

Appendix J: Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan

Appendix K: OMRR&R Requirements

Appendix L: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix M: Nonstructural Implementation Plan

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Appendix A: Mapped New York State Freshwater Wetlands on the Barrier Islands and Mainland of the Study Area

Appendix B: Endangered Species Act Compliance

Appendix C: Lists of Wildlife Species Known or Likely to Occur in Study Area

Appendix D: Essential Fish Habitat Assessment

Appendix E: Programmatic Agreement

Appendix F: List of Districts on the Study Area Mainland and Components Determined to be Potentially Eligible for Listing on the National Register of Historic Places

Appendix G: Coastal Zone Management and Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs

Appendix H: Background and Approach to Environmental Analysis

Appendix I: Borrow Area Reports and Project Plans

Appendix J: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Report

Appendix K: Clean Air Act Conformity

Appendix L: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix M: Environmental Compliance

Appendix N: Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines Evaluation

Appendix O: Coastal Barriers Resources Act Compliance

Appendix P: Public Comments and Responses

For more information please read the Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point Project Fact Sheet or email the Project Manager.