Frequently Asked Questions
How would the New York District Corps of Engineers help should a major hurricane or flood occur in this area, similar to those that have occurred in other parts of the country recently?
Emergency preparedness and response is primarily a State and local government responsibility. However, in instances where the severity of the event exceeds the response capability of State and local government, the Corps can provide help to save human life, prevent immediate human suffering and property damage.
What type of assistance can the Corps provide?
At the request of State or local government the New York District can, under its own regulations, provide technical advice and assistance, undertake emergency repairs to flood control projects, assist in search and rescue operations and furnish sandbags for local flood fighting.
If I have a flooding problem, what should I do?
You should first contact your city or town emergency management officials to determine what type of assistance is available at the local level. They will in turn request assistance from the State if necessary. If the State lacks the resources to correct the emergency, the State can request assistance from the Corps.
Is there an office to contact at the New York District for additional information?
The Readiness Unit of the New York District is available to answer any additional questions you may have. The Readiness Unit also maintains an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Their telephone number is 917-790-8501. If you need emergency assistance after business hours, you will receive a voice message with additional contact information.
How can I determine if I am located in a flood prone area and subject to major flooding?
You should visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Page.
Where can I get flood insurance information?
The National Flood Insurance Program is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Information can be obtained by contacting their Region II Region II office (Region I for New England).
What type of assistance will the Corps provide in a major disaster?
If a major disaster is declared by the President, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will activate the Federal Response Plan. Under this plan the Corps is responsible for response and recovery operations for Emergency Support Function #3, Public Works and Engineering. The New York District would function as project manager under mission assignment from FEMA for debris removal, emergency power, temporary housing, public infrastructure repair and humanitarian support (drinking water, ice, portable toilets, garbage pickup, showers, washers and dryers).