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Controlling Depth Reports Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) Federal O&M Public Notices and Harbor Deepening Public Notices Harbor Reports Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) New York and New Jersey Harbor Drift Collection
The NY/NJ RDT is a team focused on the management of dredged material generated from navigation channels and berths within the New York and New Jersey Harbor. The team meets quarterly to discuss dredged material management options, placement alternatives, regional dredging needs, concerns, and initiatives. The RDT is co-hosted by the Chief of the Dredged Material Management Section at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District and the Chief of the Dredging, Sediments & Oceans Section at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2. Members are comprised from agencies that generate, regulate, manage and fund dredging activities within the New York and New Jersey Harbor.
The following agencies and organizations are members of the NY/NJ RDT:
Kelly L. Vega, Chief Dredged Material Management Section Operations Support Branch Operations Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - New York District Email: Phone: (917) 790-8429