The Lake Champlain Watershed is an officially designated resource of national significance that spans the States of New York and Vermont and into Canada. It drains nearly half of Vermont, provides drinking water to approximately 250,000 people, and is a critically important economic and ecological driver for the region. In order to protect and restore this vital resource, Congress and the President established the Lake Champlain Watershed Environmental Assistance Program in December 2000. The program leverages the expertise of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in partnership with local, state, and other federal actors, to provide environmental assistance to non-federal interests in the Lake Champlain Watershed.
The goal of the Lake Champlain Watershed Environmental Assistance Program is to provide assistance with planning, designing and implementation of large scale projects that protect and enhance water quality, water supply, ecosystem integrity and other water related issues within the watershed. The Lake Champlain Basin Program is the administrative partner of the USACE to implement this program under the terms of a General Management Plan. Congress is authorized to appropriate up to $32,000,000 for this program; $8.8M has been received to date.
Click here to see the project fact sheet
Project Partnership Agreement 2020
Project Partnership Agreement 2018
Click here for a Partners in Action Report from November 2017