US Army Corps of Engineers
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More about HATS

The New York New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries focus area feasibility study, which will include a tiered Environmental Impact Statement, is evaluating five initial alternatives, which currently are comprised of measures that address severe coastal storm risks for specific geographic regions within the study area, in addition to the no action alternative.  These five alternatives encompass a variety of water- and land-based measures identified throughout the estuary at areas of high projected coastal storm risk and include combinations of shoreline structures, such as beach nourishment, levees, floodwalls and seawalls, and storm-surge barriers.  This initial range of alternatives was developed in part from the analysis provided in the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, as well as coordination with the States of New York and New Jersey and the City of New York.  The alternatives are taking into account other ongoing and planned actions being taken within the study area by the Corps, other federal agencies, both states and New York City, and other municipalities.

The feasibility study will develop information to distinguish between alternatives so that ultimately a recommended plan can be identified.  Based upon available information and analyses, a draft report describing the alternatives, their benefits, costs and environmental and social impacts is scheduled to be available for agency and public review in late summer of 2020.  The Corps will then review the comments received as part of the agency and public review to determine what, if any, additional analyses, may be warranted to refine the alternatives and possibly add further measures that may be justified on a building-to-building basis (e.g., non-structural measures) or that may address areas that suffer from more frequent (and typically less severe) coastal storm risks (e.g., natural and nature-based features).  Additional analyses may result the preparation of a subsequent draft prior to the completion of the final report and the selection of a recommended plan.  As project details are developed during Preconstruction Engineering and Design, consideration of environmental and social impacts will continue to be evaluated.


The study non-federal sponsors are the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.  The City of New York is involved in this study through a partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.


April 2020 Update: 

As the New York and New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries coastal storm risk management feasibility study was not included in the Corps fiscal year 2020 work plan for federal funding, public meetings and engagements have been indefinitely postponed, along with all upcoming milestones and reports.  Using remaining funds, the study is documenting the status of past work and remaining work as the study is suspended until further federal funds, if any, are made available to resume the study.  The recently released Notice of Intent (NOI) will be withdrawn. 

Click here to see the Notice of Intent.

The public is invited to submit comments by mail to:

NYNJHAT Study Team, Planning Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
26 Federal Plaza Room 2145
New York, NY 10279-0090 

or by e-mail to:

Please include the project title and the commenter's contact information with submitted comments. Comments are always welcome and will be filed until the study resumes.

NY & NJ Harbor & Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility Study (HATS)

Coastal storms have severely impacted the North Atlantic Coast of the United States, including the New York-New Jersey Harbor region.  In response to these storms, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is investigating measures to manage future flood risk in ways that support the long-term resilience and sustainability of the coastal ecosystem and surrounding communities, and reduce the economic costs and risks associated with flood and storm events.  In support of this goal, the Corps completed the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, which identified nine high-risk, focus areas on the north Atlantic Coast for further in-depth analysis into potential coastal storm risk management measures.  One of the nine areas identified was the New York-New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries study area.



About the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study

Map of the Study Area

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently completed a report detailing the results of a two-year study to address coastal storm and flood risk to vulnerable populations, property, ecosystems, and infrastructure affected by Hurricane Sandy in the United States' North Atlantic region.

This, the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, is designed to help local communities better understand changing flood risks associated with climate change and to provide tools to help those communities better prepare for future flood risks. It builds on lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy and attempts to bring to bear the latest scientific information available for state, local, and tribal planners.

The conclusions of the study, as detailed in the final report, include several findings, outcomes, and opportunities, such as the use of a nine-step Coastal Storm Risk Management Framework that can be customized for any coastal watershed. 


Map of study area

Projected Coastal Flood Increases: 2018 to 2118

Potential Impact of Anticipated Sea Level Change on Coastal Areas by 2100

Potential effects of anticipated sea level change to coastal communities by 2100 (at a non-specific location)

Public Meeting Presentation