March 12, 2021 Update
The Final Report of the Chief of Engineers was signed on April 29, 2020. The Project was authorized for construction in the author Water Resource Development Act (WRDA) 2020.
The Chief's Report can be seen here.
***Final Integrated Feasibility Report & Environmental Assessment***
The Army Corps held a series of public meetings to discuss the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to document the proposed action, alternatives formulated and evaluated, environmental effects, and any necessary mitigation to compensate for impacts from the proposed action. Although some of the information and recommendations in the documents below has been superseded, these documents are still publicly available. Of overarching significance the DIFR/EA identifies Alternative 10b as the TSP, as opposed to recommendation of a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) at the NEPA Scoping Meeting. As a result of the differences between the plans and the shift in recommendations the Army Corps has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA), as opposed to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Peckman River Basin Flood Risk Management NEPA Scoping Meeting Presentation
NEPA Scoping Meeting - November 29, 2017 - Little Falls Civic Center
Peckman River Basin Flood Risk Management NEPA Scoping Document
For general information email the Project Manager.