Fast Facts

USACE manages, designs and executes a full range of cleanup and protection activities, such as:

  • Cleaning up sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic or radioactive waste or ordnance through the Formerly Used Defense Sites program
  • Cleaning up low-level radioactive waste from the nation’s early atomic weapons program through the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
  • Supporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by cleaning up Superfund sites and working with its Brownfields and Urban Waters programs
  • Supporting the Army with the Base Realignment and Closure Act program
  • Ensuring that facilities comply with federal, state and local environmental laws
  • Conserving cultural and natural resources
  • Restoring degraded ecosystems through the District's Civil Works program



New York District Environmental Program
Mailing Address:
USACE New York District
26 Federal Plaza Rm 17-420
New York, NY 10278


Clinton Area Development Plan Environmental Impact Statement

Clinton Area Development Plan Environmental Impact Statement

The New York District is supporting the U. S. Army Garrison West Point (USAG West Point) by preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Clinton District Area Development Plan (ADP). The purpose of the EIS is to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action.

USAG West Point is home to the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), U.S. Army’s preeminent leader development institution. The Clinton District comprises the main campus of the USMA and is one of seven separate districts within the USAG West Point Real Property Master Plan (Master Plan). The Clinton District ADP is a critical component of the Master Plan because it is home to USMA’s academic core, containing the majority of the academic, athletic, and waterfront area and includes prominent areas such as Trophy Point, West Point Cemetery, Eisenhower Hall, and The Plain. It is also located within the USMA National Historic Landmark District and encompasses significant historic buildings and structures, archeological sites, and historic landscapes.

Implementing the Clinton District ADP would allow improvements and effective long-term management of installation facilities and infrastructure so that USMA can continue to improve its offerings to meet ever-shifting educational standards, concurrent with its goal of training its Corps of Cadets as future leaders in the defense of the nation.

The decision to be made by the Army is regarding the implementation of the Clinton District ADP. The EIS will analyze the Preferred Alternative of implementing the Clinton District ADP, implementation of the Clinton District ADP without the revitalization of Trophy Point and the Humanities Center, and a No Action Alternative.

A Notice of Intent (NOI) has been issued and can be viewed here (hyperlink to this page:  Federal, state, and local agencies, organizations, and the public are invited to be involved in the scoping process for the preparation of this EIS by participating in virtual scoping meetings and/or submitting written comments. The scoping process will help identify possible potential environmental impacts and key issues of concern to be analyzed in the EIS. In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States and the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gathering. USAG West Point held two virtual public scoping meetings for this action in lieu of in-person meetings. The meetings can be seen below:



USAG West Point invites you to participate in one of the two virtual scoping meetings and to send your comments regarding the scope and content of the EIS, along with the name and address of an appropriate contact person on or before November 23, 2020 to:

Mr. Christopher Pray
U.S. Army Garrison West Point, NEPA Coordinator
PO Box 102, West Point, NY 10996
Phone: (845) 938-7122 or

Public Scoping Meeting Materials

Meeting Slides

Scoping Banners

Printable Comment Card