As part of the Hudson Raritan Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey prepared the Draft Hudson-Raritan Estuary (HRE) Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP). The CRP was developed in collaboration with Federal, State, municipal, non-governmental organizations and other regional stakeholders and sets forth a consensus vision, master plan and strategy for ecosystem future restoration in the New York/New Jersey Harbor.
In December 2009, the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program (HEP) adopted the CRP as their future restoration plan for the region. Since the draft was released, numerous public outreach meetings have taken place within the region and specifically within each HRE Planning Region in order to obtain input and advance consensus. View the presentations from each Planning Region Outreach Meeting. The Draft CRP will be revised based on the comments received to date.

The Plan is comprised of two volumes and an Executive Summary. Updated: 2014 Executive Summary.
Volume I - Provides an overview and framework for restoration of the Estuary, defines program goals and objectives, identifies opportunities to meet restoration objectives and describes potential strategies for successful implementation.

Volume II - Describes the restoration goals and targets (Target Ecosystem Characteristics [TECs]) that address severe habitat degradation, poor water quality, pervasive sediment contamination and lack of public access to the estuary's resources. The CRP sets short-term (2015) and long-term (2050) targets for restoration, identifies potential restoration opportunities (at the time of CRP publication, a total of 296 for habitat restoration and 436 for public access opportunities) and outlines possible mechanisms for implementation and management.
Volume II - provides technical guidance to interested stakeholders for planning, evaluating and conducting individual restoration projects for the specific TECs and identifying issues within the Estuary.

Updated: 2014 Executive Summary
HRE Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study (FS) - As part of the FS, each restoration opportunity identified in the CRP is being updated and assessed for the ecological benefits and generic costs associated with the proposed restoration action.
Project Summary Sheets for the following Planning Regions:
Throughout the development of the Feasibility Study and revision of the Comprehensive Restoration Plan, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District welcomes stakeholder input.
The entire New York/New Jersey Harbor region is working towards common restoration goals to create habitat (coastal wetlands, oyster reefs, etc.), improve water and sediment quality, and provide access and recreational benefits to the region.
Submit any questions or comments about the CRP to: Lisa Baron, Project Manager E-mail: Telephone: 917-790-8306 Or Peter Weppler, Chief, Environmental Analysis Branch, Planning Division, E-mail: Telephone: 917-790-8634
For detailed information on the benefits of restoration, click here for a PDF version of a poster about the Harbor Estuary Restoration Plan, which features the 11 TECS that guide the CRP. The poster includes a detailed look at these 11 targets, the plan for carrying them out, and the positive impact they will have for future generations.
For more information on restoration within the NY/NJ Harbor, visit The Waters We Share
Additional Links:
Jamaica Bay Marsh Islands Restoration
Report: The State of the Estuary
Restore America's Estuaries: Video to “Living Shorelines”
New York-New Jersey Harbor and Estuary Program
NY - NJ Harbor Inspection, September 16, 2015 - Presentation
Estuary Outreach: Corps, Partners Celebrate ‘Estuary Day’
Video: ‘Our City’ Estuary Day