The Section 408 Program

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 408 program allows another party, such as a local government, company, or individual, to alter a USACE Civil Works project. Given the widespread locations of these projects, many embedded within communities, over time there may be a need to either alter or occupy these projects and their associated lands. Reasons for alterations could include improvements to the projects, relocation of part of the project, or installing utilities or other non-project features.

Examples of projects that need USACE Section 408 permission include:

  • Running a water main from one side of a levee to the other.
  • Adding hydropower to a dam.
  • Building a bridge across a navigable waterway maintained and surveyed by USACE.
  • Building a swimming pool in a backyard, within the footprint of the USACE easement for a levee.

The Section 408 program verifies that changes to authorized USACE Civil Works projects will not be injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the project. This requirement was established in Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, which has since been amended several times, and is codified at 33 U.S.C. 408–the section of U.S. Code that gives the program its name.

Section 408: Resources for Getting Started

If you are looking for information about how to navigate the Section 408 program, these resources are for you. During the program’s Summer 2022 Listening Session Series, stakeholders and Section 408 coordinators from USACE districts across the country asked for tools to help guide them through the ins and outs of seeking permission to alter a USACE Civil Works project—especially for those who are new or unfamiliar with program processes.

The following materials were designed with this feedback in mind:

These materials are a great place to start—and for even more information, please see the section below, “Who can I talk with about a Section 408 request?” to get connected with a Section 408 coordinator.

Where can I find more information about Section 408?

The links below provide more in-depth information about Section 408 and the Section 408 program:

Synchronization with USACE’s Regulatory Program

If a proposed alteration to a Civil Works project involves construction or filling activities within waters of the United States, including wetlands, a permit from USACE’s Regulatory Program may be required.  In the event that both a Regulatory permit and a Section 408 permission are required for a proposed project, the Regulatory permit decision cannot be issued, before or without, the Section 408 permission decision. 

How to Apply for a Section 408 Permission

To determine if a Section 408 review will be required, USACE needs specific information about your project.  Our Section 408 Submittal Package Guide details the information that we will need in order to evaluate your project:


Applicants are encouraged to engage in dialogue with USACE early in the project planning process. Please contact:


Section 408 Coordinator (Levee and Offshore Wind):
Jun Yan
Phone: 917-790-8437

Section 408 Coordinator (Navigation Channel):
William T. Bruno
Phone: 917-790-8516

Mailing Address:
Operations Division,
NY District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
26 Federal Plaza, Room 16-414
New York, NY 10278