FIMP - Frequently Asked Questions

What work is included in the Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point (FIMP) Project?

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in conjunction with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), proposes the following work: inlet management; beach, dune and berm construction; breach response plans; raising and retrofitting of up to 4,400 homes; road-raising; groin modifications; and coastal process features.  

Why is this project being done?

Fire Island and Long Island’s south shore communities have repeatedly suffered significant flooding and damage to homes and infrastructure from severe storms. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused severe and substantial damages due to erosion and flooding. As a result, there were three (3) breaches of the barrier island, more than 50 percent (4.5 million cubic yards) of pre-storm sand volume on Fire Island was lost. This project will reduce risks of flooding and damage from future storm events.

How much will it cost? Who is paying for it?

The initial construction is expected to cost $1.2 billion. It is 100% funded by the federal government through the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (PL 113-2), providing funds to restore areas significantly impacted by Hurricane Sandy. After completion, future renourishment(s) would be cost-shared between the Corps of Engineers, New York State and local municipalities.

Which parts of the shoreline are impacted?

83 miles along the Atlantic Coast shoreline from Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, and 200+ miles of back-bay shoreline along Long Island’s south shore, including Great South Bay, Moriches Bay and Shinnecock Bay.

Which communities are involved?

In Suffolk County, portions of the Towns of Babylon, Islip, Brookhaven, Southampton and East Hampton, 12 incorporated villages along Long Island’s south shore (mainland), Fire Island National Seashore, and the Poospatuck and Shinnecock Indian Reservations.

Where can I find additional information?

Additional information can be found on the FIMP project page. The FIMP Reports page also provides downloadable PDF files of the final general reevaluation report (GRR), the Hurricane Sandy Draft General Re-evaluation Report (HSGRR), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and appendices with supporting information.

I have concerns about the project. Who can I contact?

Please send comments to: Robert Smith, project biologist: or Mark Lulka, project manager:

Why can’t the Corps of Engineers provide a larger project for Downtown Montauk?

The Corps of Engineers is bound by federal law as it applies to using taxpayer funds to construct projects. Every part of a proposed project must be economically justified (i.e., , project benefits must outweigh costs). For FIMP, providing 120,000 cubic yards of sand for the shoreline at Downtown Montauk is the plan that provides the greatest benefits relative to the cost. The New York District continues working with officials from the Town of East Hampton to ensure their site-specific information is incorporated into the design and evaluation of plans for Downtown Montauk.

When will the home-raising and retrofits begin?

Each of the 4,400 eligible structures will be individually evaluated and inspected by an engineering team led by USACE.  An initial nonstructural pilot project, focused on eligible homes in Frederick Shores (Babylon) and Mastic Beach (Brookhaven) is anticipated to begin public outreach in summer 2024. For additional information, please visit the FIMP Nonstructural website.

How can I find out if my home is included for raising or retrofitting?

In general, structures in the current 10-year floodplain have been included in the draft report. For more information, please visit the FIMP Nonstructural website.