Asharoken Beach Coastal Storm Damage Risk Reduction Feasibility Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is conducting a feasibility study in partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to evaluate potential coastal storm damage risk reduction measures for Asharoken Beach, North Shore of Long Island, New York. Existing conditions data has been collected for the study area, and preliminary risk reduction design alternative formulation and evaluation (no action, non-structural & structural alternatives) has occurred. The study team’s next step will be to determine and optimize a recommended risk reduction plan. Continued study progress is funding dependent. The study investigations, plan alternatives, and recommended plan will be presented in a future draft feasibility report. The draft feasibility report would be circulated to the public for review and comment.
Refer to the Fact Sheet and Project Map for more information or contact the Project Manager.
Study Reports
Copies of the North Shore of Long Island, Storm Damage Protection and Beach Erosion Control Reconnaissance Study (1995) are available in the reference collections at the Northport Library and Town of Oyster Bay Library.
The below reports were completed as part of the feasibility study and are available electronically for download:
Final Sediment Transport Analysis (2004)
Long Island Sound, Asharoken Borrow Area Investigation, Final Finfish/Benthic Invertebrate Summary Report (2007)
Asharoken and Bayville Nearshore Investigation, Final 2005 Finfish, Invertebrate Infauna and Water Quality Summary Report (2005)
Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction at Asharoken, Suffolk County, New York, Environmental Scoping Document (2002)