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FACT SHEET-Shinnecock Inlet, New York

Federal Navigation Channel/Infrastructure Maintenance and Stewardship

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Dec. 13, 2024

DESCRIPTION: Two existing rehabilitated rock jetties, a rock revetment, and an entrance channel, 10 feet deep (MLLW datum), 200 feet wide, from that depth in the Atlantic Ocean into the Shinnecock Bay, length approximately 0.7 mile; an inner channel, 6 feet deep, 100 feet wide, to the Long Island Intracoastal Waterway Channel, length approximately 1 mile; and a sand deposition basin that consists of a basin 20 feet deep (MLLW datum), 600 feet wide and 600 feet long starting approximately 200 feet south from the southern end of the west jetty. It then widens through a 100-foot-long section up to an 800-foot-width, this 800-foot-wide section is approximately 2,100 feet long; with all dredged material from the periodic maintenance dredging of the navigation channel placed along the Atlantic shoreline west of the west jetty. This project is cost-shared with the State of New York.

AUTHORIZATION: Adopted by the Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1960. 

COMMERCE: Although it does not have any commercial navigation transiting this asset, the inlet is second only to Montauk as a NY commercial fishing center. Average 10 Million pounds of fish landings per year valued at $8 Million include 39 species, primarily bluefish, angler, and skate (Fishing Ports of the Mid-Atlantic 2000). The inlet is regularly used by 30-40 commercial fishing vessels and deep sea charter fishing boats with approximately $250,000 in boat slip revenues annually. Shinnecock Inlet also provides access to Shinnecock Bay which is a Critical Harbor of Refuge. 

BACKGROUND: In FY2023, Shinnecock Inlet was maintenance dredged under the Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) project with the dredged sand being beneficially used as shoreline stabilization on the ocean beach West of Shinnecock Inlet.

During FY2013, the channel was maintenance dredged with all the sandy dredged material used to restore the adjacent barrier island. Previously, the navigation channel was maintenance dredged in FY2010 and FY2004 with all sand dredged material being placed at Tiana Beach to prevent loss of the barrier island there and for the beneficial use of continued down drift shoreline nourishment.

STATUS: During FY2025, funding will provide for commonly performed Operations & Maintenance (O&M) work including monitoring of the channel shoaling conditions and coordination with the users and stakeholders.  The production of an annual hydrographic condition survey and publication of the Controlling Depth Report on the District’s website below, are also scheduled for FY2025.



Divyesh Patel
Asset / Project Manager
P: (917) 790-8582
Email: divyesh.g.patel@usace.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278


District Area:  NY #1