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FACT SHEET-Saugerties Harbor, New York

Maintenance Dredging

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Jan. 15, 2025

DESCRIPTION: The project provides for a 0.8-mile-long navigation channel, 12 feet deep, 200 feet wide, in Esopus Creek from deep water in the Hudson River to the Steamboat Wharf at the Village of Saugerties.   

AUTHORIZATION: Adopted 1884 and 1902. 

BACKGROUND: During FY2024, funds were used to perform maintenance dredging of the full navigation channel.  Approximately 30,000 CY of shoaling was removed from the channel, restoring access  to the Hudson River for U.S. Coast Guard vessels stationed at Saugerties Harbor along Esopus Creek; allowing critical ice-breaking and Search and Rescue (SAR) missions for the high-use commercial deep-draft Hudson River Federal Navigation project, to continue. 

STATUS: FY2025 funds will be requested to perform project condition surveys of the project channel.


Devon Hinds
Engineer Technician
P: (518) 273-0870
Email: devon.hinds@usace.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Albany Field Office
1 Bond Street
Troy, NY 12180