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FACT SHEET-Poplar Brook (CAP 205)

Flood Risk Management Study

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Jan. 8, 2024

DESCRIPTION: The Borough of Deal and Ocean Township are located in Monmouth County, New Jersey, approximately 4 miles south of Long Branch, New Jersey, along the Atlantic Ocean. Poplar Brook originates at the western boundary of Ocean Township and flows through the Borough of Deal into the Atlantic Ocean. A recurring flooding problem exists along Poplar Brook as a result of restrictive flow characteristics owing to insufficient cross-sectional areas of the channel and several inadequately sized culverts. In the Borough of Deal, flooding occurs along Almyr Avenue, causing a disruption of roadway traffic and first floor flooding of several residential structures. In Ocean Township, the Poplar Village (a senior citizens housing complex) and Brookside Avenue locations also experience major flooding. The specific opportunities identified for this study are to reduce the flood hazards and associated urban damages from fluvial floods; to maintain the fish and wildlife resources of the existing stream, as well as the cultural attributes of significant sites found within potential project boundaries; and to ensure the integrity of the water quality of the stream in the study area.

AUTHORIZATION: Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended (33 U.S.C. 701s)

STATUS: A reconnaissance report recommending a combination of flood risk management improvements was completed in September 1994. That report identified a federal interest and recommended further investigation of the placement of a ring levee to protect the Poplar Village senior citizens complex; clearing and snagging of the brook and its culverts; and the raising of Whale Pond Road to create a natural detention basin to offset the loss of storage caused by the ring levee, while ensuring no increases in flood stage. The feasibility study began in March 1997, but completion was deferred, pending receipt of study scope concurrence and local funding by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), the non-federal sponsor. Non-federal funds became available in the summer of 2003 and project coordination efforts were initiated. Analysis indicates that there is no economically justified plan to provide flood risk management. The study is in the process of being closed out with a recommendation of no further Federal action.



Mr. Alek Petersen

Project Manager

P: (917) 790-8624

Email: Aleksander.J.Petersen@usace.army.mil

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District

 Programs and Project Management Division 

 26 Federal Plaza

 New York, NY 10278