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FACT SHEET-Hudson River, NYC to Waterford, NY Maintenance Dredging

Maintenance Dredging – North Germantown Reach

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Dec. 19, 2023

DESCRIPTION: The project provides for a channel 600 feet wide, New York City to Kingston, thence 400 feet wide to 2,200 feet wide south of the Mall (Dunn) Bridge at Albany with turning basin at Albany and anchorages near Hudson and Stuyvesant, all with depths of 32 feet in soft material and 34 feet in rock; thence 27 feet deep and 400 feet wide, 900 feet south of the Mall (Dunn) Bridge; thence 14 feet deep and generally 400 feet wide to the Federal Lock at Troy; and thence 14 feet deep, 200 feet wide, to the southern limit of the State Barge Canal at Waterford; with widening at bends and widening in front of the cities of Troy and Albany to form harbors 12 feet deep. Total length – approx..155 miles.  The project included removal of the State Dam at Troy and construction of a new lock & dam at Troy about 2.5 miles below Waterford.  The project construction is complete.

AUTHORIZATION: Adopted 1910 to 1930, modified 1934, 1935, 1938 and 1954.

The Hudson River Federal Navigation Channel (HRFNC) connects the New York Harbor to Waterford NY and allows vessels to transit from the Atlantic Ocean to Canada.  The channel is primarily used by commercial vessels, recreational vessels, fishermen and tour boats.  The HRFNC allows for full usage of Hudson River waterfront facilities, thereby assuring continued safe and economical use by shipping interests accessing the Port of Albany, several commercial marine terminals, and other cargo handling facilities, including the Port of Coeymans. The channel supports the sea/land transfer of goods and allow the safe waterborne transportation of raw materials and products which are difficult to transport on land.  A well-maintained channel encourages an increase in the volume of maritime traffic in both the lower and upper Hudson River region, while strengthening existing industrial and commercial activities located on and near shore of the HRFNC. 

BACKGROUND: During FY2023, maintenance dredging was completed in area of Coeymans (Reach 17-19, River Mile 132); removing approx. 63,895 CY of shoaling, with upland placement in the USACE owned Houghtaling Island Placement Site.  FY2023 funds were used to perform to perform annual work, including project condition surveys and Houghtaling Island maintenance.

STATUS FY2024 funds will be used to perform Project Condition Surveys on the high commercial use Hudson River Federal Navigation channel, to perform core sample testing at Haverstraw Bay to prepare for future dredging, and to remove approx. 240,000 CY of clean fill from Houghtaling Island to create capacity for future dredging projects. 


Devon Hinds
Engineering Technician
P:  (518) 273-0870 
Email: devon.hinds@usace.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Albany Field Office
1 Bond Street
Troy, NY 12180