DESCRIPTION: Lake Montauk Harbor is located on the south fork of eastern Long Island, Suffolk County, NY. The harbor opens to the north into Block Island Sound through an inlet stabilized by two jetties. The existing Federal project at Lake Montauk Harbor provides for 1) a channel 12 feet deep at MLLW and 150 feet wide, extending about 0.7 miles from the 12 foot contour in Block Island Sound to the same depth in the yacht basin east of Star Island, 2) a boat basin 10 feet deep, 400 feet wide, and 900 feet long, located northwest of Star Island, 3) east and west jetties and 4) sport fishing facilities on top of both jetties. Local interests have expressed concerns about inadequate channel depths for larger commercial fishing vessels and erosion effects in the vicinity of the inlet. The US Coast Guard has also had difficulties responding to emergencies from the station at Lake Montauk Harbor due to shoaling. Sediment transport, bypassing and management are issues to be addressed and focus on both the inlet and adjacent shores.
AUTHORIZATION: Section 107 of River & Harbor Act of 1960 as amended (33 U.S.C. Section 577)
STATUS: A Feasibility Study was completed in partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of East Hampton to address concerns about inadequate channel depths for larger commercial fishing vessels and erosion effects in the vicinity of the inlet. A draft feasibility report was completed specifically for navigation purposes and was released for public review in July 2019, with a Final Report approval in February 2021, and Environmental FONSI completion in March 2021. No storm damage reduction plans appeared feasible; therefore the study was finalized to only consider navigation improvements.
The recommended plan for Lake Montauk Harbor is to deepen the channel and authorize a deposition basin by utilizing the Corps’ Continuing Authorities Program, Section 107. The recommended plan includes the deepening of the navigation channel to -17 ft. MLLW and the creation and maintenance of a deposition basin 100 ft. wide immediately east of the channel. Material from the initial deepening will be placed on the eroded shoreline west of the inlet jetty, with excess channel rock material to be disposed at a NYS offshore reef.
A Project Partnership Agreement for project design and construction was executed September 2022 between the Corps and the Town of East Hampton.
Project design is currently underway, and project construction of the channel deepening is currently scheduled for Late 2025, upon completion of the contract plans & specifications, permits, and required Town acquisition of real estate necessary for placement of dredged material west of the inlet.
Mr. Frank Verga
Project Manager
P: (917) 790-8212
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278