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FACT SHEET - New York / New Jersey Harbor, NY and NJ

Maintenance and Stewardship

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
Published Dec. 20, 2023

DESCRIPTION:  Manage and monitor 50-foot navigation channels within the New York and New Jersey Harbor; New York and New Jersey. This includes 35 miles of navigation channels and anchorage areas within the Upper and Lower New York Harbor.  

AUTHORIZATION:  The 50-foot projects include the Ambrose Channel to -53 feet MLW datum; the Anchorage Channel, Arthur Kill Channel (to Howland Hook Marine Terminal), Bay Ridge Channel, Kill van Kull Channel, Newark Bay Channel, and Port Jersey Channel to -50 feet MLW datum (-52 feet in rock or hard substance) as authorized by Section 101(a) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, Public Law 106-541.  Additionally, New York Harbor and Adjacent Channel, Port Jersey was authorized by Public Law 99-662 to a depth of -41 feet MLW datum as amended by Section 337 of Water Resources Development Act of 1999, Public Law 106-53, and modified in 2004 to authorize the project to -50 feet MLW datum.

COMMERCE: New York Harbor contains five interconnected but separate channels and two adjacent anchorages all of which are used by international vessels, harbor pilots and the U.S. Coast Guard and supports 123 million tons of commerce per year (2021 Waterborne Commerce Data).  Greater than $250,000,000 of commerce is transported annually through these more than 35 miles of channels. 

 FUNDING: The $5,650,000 is required annually to accomplish work which includes sediment sampling and monitoring, dredged material management efforts, shoaling rates development, engineering and design packages, environmental coordination with Federal and State agencies, as well as recurring, periodic hydrographic condition surveys of all the navigation channels.

STATUS:  Maintenance dredging contract for these improved channels will be in the 50-foot reach of the Newark Bay approach channels, 50-foot reach of Port Jersey Channel and 50-foot reach Kill van Kull Channel.

BACKGROUND:  The channels within the New York Harbor were studied and subsequently improved to accommodate the need for deeper draft cargo vessels.  These channels were deepened to a depth of 50-foot MLW.  The 50-foot Harbor Deepening was completed in September 2016 and turned over to the Operations and Maintenance Phase.



Jun Yan, P.E.
Asset / Project Manager
P: (917) 790-8437
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278


District Area: NY #7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 and NJ # 6,8,9,10,11,12,13