The District’s Civil Works, environmental and support for others programs include activities in the watershed areas of Lake Champlain, the Hudson River, New York, New Jersey, and portions of Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Mission areas include:
Flood Risk Management
New York District plans, designs and constructs coastal storm damage reduction projects and flood risk management projects in five northeastern states. Along the New Jersey coast, construction continues on the largest coastal storm damage reduction project in Corps history.
New York District is responsible for managing 82 navigation projects in the Port of New York and New Jersey, Long Island, Northern New Jersey, the Hudson Valley and Lake Champlain. This includes more than 700 miles of navigation channels, navigation structures, jetties and breakwaters, a navigational lock and dam at Troy, N.Y., and a fleet of drift collection vessels. The Port of New York and New Jersey contains more than 240 miles of channels and is the nation’s largest oil importing port and the second largest container port.
Project Operations
Maintenance of federally authorized and constructed navigation channels and structures.
Regulatory authority covering work in navigable waters, wetlands fills, and harbor supervision and compliance.
Contingency planning and natural disaster response through the Readiness Team.
Operation of field offices, including Caven Point Marine Terminal (Jersey City, N.J.) and Troy Lock and Dam (Troy, N.Y.)
Emergency Operations
Large-scale floods and other disasters demand flood fighting and rescue operations. Emergency measures must be implemented, debris must be removed and damaged flood protection structures must be repaired or replaced. The District’s mission during an emergency is to save life and property. For hurricanes, floods, natural disasters and other contingencies, New York District stands ready to save human lives and ease human suffering when the nature of the disaster exceeds the capabilities of state and local governments.
Environmental Restoration
New York District has a diverse environmental program. In cooperation with federal, state and local agencies, it works on projects that protect the region’s harbors and estuaries, preserve and restore wetlands and rivers, protect public drinking water, create habitats for endangered wildlife, and clean up hazardous material from residential communities.
Environmental Remediation
Under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP), the District conducts remediation work at Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS). Also, the District supports the U.S. EPA through remediation work at Superfund cleanups, which can sometimes be similar to work the District performs at Formerly Utilized Site Remediation Action Program (FUSRAP)sites.