Regulatory Public Notices


Published March 21, 2019
Expiration date: 4/20/2019

The applicants, Ludvipol LLC and Ruediger Flik, have requested Department of the Army authorization to perform dredging within two mooring areas and the entrance channel connecting with the Mamaroneck Harbor Federal navigation channel in the town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, with open-water disposal of the dredged material at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site (WLDS)The proposed work involves mechanical dredging of approximately 14,000 cubic yards of material from an area of approximately 103,000 square feet to depths ranging from 6-feet to 8-feet below the plane of Mean Low Water (MLW), with two feet of allowable overdepth dredging.  Of the 14,000 cubic yards to be authorized for dredging, approximately 7,400 cubic yards is maintenance material and approximately 6,600 cubic yards is from new dredging.  All dredged material is proposed for deposition in dump scows for transport and open-water placement at the WLDS. The stated purpose of this project is to provide adequate navigation depths at two mooring areas and provide safe navigation through the entrance channel.