Regulatory Public Notices

Archive: 2019
  • NAN-2019-00674-ESW

    Expiration date: 1/25/2020

    The permit applicant, New York State Marine Highway Transportation Company, has requested Department of the Army authorization to construct a new commercial mooring point/buoy in the Head of Bay, Jamaica Bay at (40.6266, -73.7595), Inwood, Town of Hempstead, Nassau County, New York.

  • NAN-2019-01318-ESW

    Expiration date: 1/25/2020

    The applicant, the New York City Economic Development Corporation, has requested Department of the Army authorization to conduct maintenance and redevelopment activities along the Bush Terminal waterfront in the Upper New York Bay in Sunset Park, Sunset Park, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, City of New York, New York. Activities would be conducted in the interpier areas between Piers 5 and 6 and between Piers 6 and 7. Upland development to create the “Made In New York Campus” outside of USACE jurisdiction would be associated with the regulated activities.

  • NAN-2019-01326-WCA

    Expiration date: 1/8/2020

    The New York District, Corps of Engineers has received a permit application from the National Park Service, to construct and install over navigable waters of the United States, a temporary pile supported ferry landing. The temporary ferry landing would accommodate one (1) ferry vessel, and would remain in place during the proposed rehabilitation of the existing ferry landing fender system. The project site is located within the Upper New York Harbor, in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey.

  • NAN-2019-00596-EME

    Expiration date: 1/4/2020

    The applicant, New York City Department of Design and Construction, has requested Department of the Army authorization to construct a flood protection system and attendant features in the East River, from Montgomery Street to East 25th Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, New York County, New York.

  • NAN-2019-00610-ERO

    Expiration date: 12/27/2019

    The applicant, Town of Southampton, has requested Department of the Army authorization to dredge Weesuck Creek, a tributary of Shinnecock Bay with upland placement of the dredged material at 22 Josiah Foster Path, Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, New York.