DESCRIPTION: This navigation asset is at tidal inlet located on the north shore of Long Island Sound, about 85 miles by water east of the Battery, New York City; and provides for a channel, 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide at the entrance and 80 feet wide thereafter, from the Long Island Sound, extending southward about 2 ¼ miles, to Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. There are two riprap jetties at the channel entrance. The east jetty was completed in 1906 with a length of approximately 775 feet, and the west jetty was completed in 1938, with a length of approximately 1,100 feet. The original navigation channel construction was completed in 1914.
AUTHORIZATION: Rivers and Harbors Act of 1896 (29 Stat. 202), modified in 1935 (P.L. 74-409) and 1964.
COMMERCE: This asset serves as a Harbor of Refuge during severe storms. The harbor also supports recreational boating, including several commercial marinas.
BACKGROUND: The last cycle occurred during Fall 2024 with maintenance dredging of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of silty dredged material was removed from the inner reach and anchorage area of the federal channel with the material transported by barge to a processing facility to then be transported to landfills to be beneficially re-used as alternate daily cover. In FY 2014, the Mattituck Inlet Federal Navigation Channel was used as a sand source for a beach nourishment project when approximately 100,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredged sand was placed at Baillie Beach Park in Mattituck, NY. Prior to that, channel was maintenance dredged in FY 2004, when approximately 14,000 CY of dredged sand was beneficially used along the Baillie Beach Park shoreline. During FY 1996, a west jetty rehabilitation project was completed.
STATUS: During FY2025, commonly performed Operations & Maintenance (O&M) work also includes fiscal closeout of the FY2024 dredging contract and coordination with USCG, waterway users and stakeholders; and production of an annual hydrographic condition survey, and publication of the Controlling Depth Report on the District’s website. (
William T. Bruno
Asset / Project Manager
P: (917) 790-8516
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278
District Area: NY #1