NEW YORK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces the availability of the “Revised Draft Integrated Hurricane Sandy General Re-evaluation Report/Environmental Impact Statement, and revised General Conformity Determination” for Rockaway, East Rockaway, and Jamaica Bay. This release opens a 45-day public comment period that will end October 22, 2018.
“This report represents the next step in ensuring stakeholder alignment as we work to increase resiliency for the Rockaway and Jamaica Bay communities," said Col. Thomas Asbery, the Army Corps' New York District Commander.
"We will continue to work with our stakeholders at the federal and non-federal levels to finalize this study towards construction to provide residents of Rockaway and surrounding communities with additional flood risk reduction measures increasing the safety of residents within the project area.”
"The City applauds the Corps' diligent work to meet this milestone within the timeline agreed upon by Mayor Bill de Blasio and General Semonite, Army Corps' Commanding General, last winter,” said Jainey Bavishi, Director of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency.
“As the City has long said, the Atlantic Shorefront project is crucial to stemming erosion on Rockaway Beach. The City also looks forward to seeing the Corps work with bay-side communities to refine the bayside measures proposed in this report. Moreover, we urge the Corps to work with partners at the City, State, and Federal level to continue to work toward solutions that address the resilience of Jamaica Bay in a comprehensive manner."
The focus of this coastal storm risk management study is the tidally affected area within Rockaway Inlet, Rockaway Beach, and Jamaica Bay. The Revised Draft General Re-evaluation Report/and Environmental Impact Statement has been updated to incorporate changes from comments received on the previously-released Draft Integrated Feasibility Report.
The Revised Draft Integrated Feasibility Report incorporates:
•the formulation and evaluation of plans for a Recommended Plan
•provides long-term solution to manage risk of coastal storm damages along densely populated and economically valuable areas; and
•evaluates significant potential environmental impacts of the Recommended Plan contained in the Report.
The Report and associated documents are posted on the Army Corps' New York District’s web site:
Written comments may be submitted via mail or e-mail. Comments submitted will assist in evaluating the project and will be reflected in the project record.
By mail:
Ms. Daria Mazey
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
New York District
Planning Division
Environmental Branch
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York 10278-0090
By Email:
Ms. Daria Mazey or
Mr. Daniel Falt, Project Manager