NEW YORK — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District and The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) as the non-federal sponsor, announces one (1) virtual public meeting for the New York & New Jersey Harbor Deepening and Channel Improvements Draft Feasibility Study. The Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (Draft IFR/EA) and the Draft General Conformity (GC) Determination which supports the draft Statement of Conformity (DSOC) for the Study is presently out for 45-day public review.
Due to stakeholder requests and to account for the Holiday Season, USACE-NY District and PANYNJ as the local sponsor, has extended the public comment period for the New York & New Jersey Harbor Deepening and Channel Improvements Feasibility Study’s Draft Integrated Report/Environmental Assessment (Draft IFR/EA) and Draft General Conformity (GC) Determination to January 19, 2021. Virtual public information sessions have been scheduled on December 3, 2020.
The details are as follows:
When: Thursday, December 03, 2020
Sessions: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time
Where WebEx
The information sessions begin at 2:00PM and 6:00 PM Eastern Time on December 03, 2020; you may join the conference 10 minutes prior. The 6PM session is a repeat of the 2PM.
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Dial-in: 888-251-2949 or 215-861-0694
Access Code: 1205032#
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