News Releases

Army Corps Awards Contract for Restoring Black Wall and Rulers Bar Marsh Islands in Jamaica Bay, New York

Published April 2, 2012
New York- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District awarded a

$3,410,000 contract on March 23 to restore Black Wall and Rulers Bar Marsh Islands in

Jamaica Bay, N.Y.


The contract was awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company to beneficially use

clean sand from the New York-New Jersey Harbor 50 foot deepening project to restore

marsh habitat in Jamaica Bay.


Immediately following the completion of the placement of 375,000 cubic yards of

Ambrose Channel sand that is being used to restore 42 acres of marsh at Yellow Bar

Hassock Marsh Island (expected completion April 2),approximately 250,000 more cubic

yards of sand from the Ambrose Channel deepening project will be beneficially used to

restore 22 acres of marsh at the Black Wall and 12 acres of marsh at Rulers Bar.


The Marsh Islands Complex is an integral part of Jamaica Bay, targeted for restoration

by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,

National Park Service (Gateway), New York State Department of Environmental

Conservation, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the National

Resources Conservation Service and the New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary



The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York City

Department of Environmental Protection are contributing the funds on behalf of the nonfederal

sponsor for the Black Wall and Rulers Bar Marsh Islands Restoration Project.


“Our salt marsh island building campaign continues," said Col. John R. Boulé II, the

Army Corps' New York District Commander. "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along

with our partners and stakeholders have a rock solid commitment to restore vital habitat

within Jamaica Bay, complementing the needs of the environment along with the

economic benefits of deepening the Port of New York and New Jersey.”


Restoring salt marshes and coastal wetlands in Jamaica Bay are a critical component of

the Comprehensive Restoration Plan for the Hudson Raritan Estuary.


“The Black Wall and Rulers Bar project is just the latest example of the value of having

a strong interagency partnership to tackle such large-scale challenges. We are very

pleased to be able to provide support for these additional 34 acres of critical salt marsh

island habitat,“ said Venetia Lannon Regional Director, New York State Department of

Environmental Conservation Region 2.


"We are thrilled to commit $900,000 toward the restoration of Black Wall and Ruler Bar

Marsh Islands," said DEP Commissioner Carter Strickland. "By working together, we will

continue to improve the ecological health of Jamaica Bay for decades to come."


It is estimated that approximately 1,400 acres of tidal salt marsh have been lost from the

marsh islands since 1924, with the system wide rate of loss rapidly increasing in recent


Vince Elias USACE
Mercedes Padilla NYC DEP

Release no. 12-005