News Releases

Army Corps Restoration Project in Jamaica Bay Requires Additional Lifts of the Marine Parkway Bridge at Rocaway

Published Jan. 12, 2012
New York– The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Yellow Bar Hassock Marsh Island

Restoration Project in Jamaica Bay, N.Y. is underway. The project aims to address the

vanishing marsh islands within the Bay.


The Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge will be intermittently raised

commencing during the fourth week of January to facilitate transporting heavy loads of

sand by waterborne vessels to reach Jamaica Bay through the waterway inlet.


The vessels being used to transfer necessary sand to the site require clearance under

the Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, requiring the bridge to be raised to

safely allow the vessels to travel. The bridge crosses Rockaway Inlet and connects the

Rockaway Peninsula in Queens, with Marine Parkway to Floyd Bennett Field and

Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn.


The bridge can be raised proving clearance to 150 feet at mean high water. Fifteenminutes

is expected each time the bridge is lifted through February 2012.


To minimize the impacts to daily commuters during rush hour, the bridge lifts will occur

primarily during off peak hours, when there are the least vehicles on the road, however,

the barges aren’t always able go under the bridge at non-peak hours. An alternate

bridge that many commuters use is the Cross Bay Bridge.


“The Corps is committed to this work and will make every effort to minimize the

inconvenience to the public from the bridge raisings,” said Col. John R. Boulé. II, the

Army Corps’ New York District Commander. “The overall project will have a significant

positive impact on Jamaica Bay, which will last decades beyond construction



2-2-2 Army Corps Restoration Project in Jamaica Bay Requires Additional Lifts

of the Hodges Bridge at Rockaways


The restoration effort will restore approximately 40 acres of marsh islandvia placement

of 375,000 cubic yards of clean sand dredged from Ambrose Channel as part of the

ongoing NY/NJ Harbor Deepening Project.


Previous marsh island restoration activities occurred in January 2010 where the bridge

was lifted intermittently to facilitate the safe transfer of sand by barge to restore Elders

Island. The number of barge transfers will facilitate expeditious safe sand transfer by not

prolonging the evolution and reduce costs and save taxpayer dollars.


The Marsh Islands at Jamaica Bay are within the Hudson-Raritan Estuary and one of

the largest estuaries on the east coast. Nearly 80 percent of the Estuary’s tidal salt

marshes have been lost and approximately 47 acres/year have been disappeared in

Jamaica Bay.

Vincent Elias

Release no. 12-011