Physical construction expected to begin in October
NEW YORK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, has coordinated with the contractor for the Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project and the contractor has indicated that it will begin physical, on-site construction of the coastal storm risk management project in the fall in October.
A notice to proceed has been issued for the construction of a reinforced dune and beach berm in the heart of Downtown Montauk. In the time between now and the fall, the contractor will be conducting preparatory work in advance of its expected fall construction start.
This preparatory work is expected to include activities like preparing and securing a field office, procuring the necessary equipment and materials, etc. This preparatory work will not include physical activities within the project area and should not have any impact on summer recreation activities.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, recently awarded an $8.4 million base contract to H&L Contracting of Bay Shore, New York, to construct the Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project to reduce coastal storm risks exacerbated by erosion in the area of Downtown Montauk. The project is being carried out in close partnership between the Corps of Engineers and the non-Federal sponsor, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the local sponsor, the Town of East Hampton.
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Release no. 15-003