Washington (February 9, 2016) - The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) yesterday delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2016 (FY
2016) work plan for the Army Civil Works program.
On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed into law the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, Public Law 114-113, of which Division D
is the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
(the Act) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.
The Act provides $5.989 billion in FY 2016 appropriations
for the Army Civil Works program, of which $5.465 billion is appropriated in
four accounts: Investigations; Construction; Operation and Maintenance; and
Mississippi River and Tributaries.
The Act’s accompanying Statement of Managers report
designates nearly $4.153 billion of the total for these four accounts for
specified programs, projects and activities (PPA).
USACE is responsible for allocating the remaining balance
of nearly $1.313 billion designated as additional funding in the four accounts
to individual PPAs, consistent with the categories and criteria provided in the
Statement of Managers.
"The Army
Civil Works' Fiscal Year 2016 work plan will significantly advance and complete
studies and construction projects that support the Nation's economy,
environment and quality of life," said The Honorable Jo-Ellen Darcy,
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.
The Army Civil Works budget funds the planning, design,
construction, operation and maintenance of water resources projects and focuses
on the highest performing work within the three main Civil Works mission areas:
commercial navigation, flood and storm damage reduction, and aquatic ecosystem
restoration. It also funds programs that
contribute to the protection of the nation’s waters and wetlands; the
generation of low-cost renewable hydropower; the restoration of certain sites
contaminated as a result of the nation’s early atomic weapons development
program; and emergency preparedness and training to respond to natural
The nearly $1.313 billion in additional funding not
allocated to specified projects in the four appropriations by the Statement of
Managers is subdivided into numerous categories within these broad areas:
• Navigation: $677 million
• Flood Risk Management: $434 million
• Other Authorized Project Purposes: $202 million
Work eligible for consideration for the additional
funding generally included projects, programs and activities funded in the
three previous fiscal years, and other ongoing projects, programs and
activities that can attain a significant milestone or produce significant
outputs in FY 2016.
The work plan identifies which projects, programs, and
activities within the Civil Works program will receive the funding provided in
FY 2016 to USACE, and how much each of them will receive, and includes in these
amounts that the Army allocated earlier this fiscal year under a continuing
resolution. With the total funding for
this fiscal year, the work plan funds to completion nine feasibility studies,
two projects in the Preconstruction Engineering and Design phase, and 24
construction projects or elements of projects.
Studies Funded for Completion in FY 2016:
• Illinois River Basin River Restoration – Fox River, IL
• Illinois River Basin River Restoration – Ten Mile
River, IL
• Passaic River above Dundee Dam, NJ (Phase I)
• Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX
• Saginaw River Deepening, Saginaw, MI
• St. John’s County, FL
• St. Lucie County Beaches, FL
• Sulphur River Basin Reallocation, TX
• Westchester County Streams (Byram River), NY
Engineering and Design Funded for Completion in FY 2016:
• American River Watershed, Common Features Project,
Natomas Basin, CA
• Boston Harbor Deep Draft, MA
Projects Funded for Completion in FY 2016:
• Alamogordo, NM
• Bethel Bank Stabilization, AK
• Cape Girardeau (Floodwall), MO
• Charleston Harbor, SC (Dredged Material Placement
• Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Dispersal Barrier, IL
• Coyote & Berryessa Creeks, CA
• Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers, IA
• Grays Harbor (38-foot Deepening), WA
• GIWW, Chocolate Bayou, TX (Dredged Material Placement
• Greens Bayou, Houston, TX
• Indianapolis White River (North), IN
• Lower Colorado River Basin (Onion Creek), TX
• Lower Snake River Fish and Wildlife Compensation, WA,
• Manatee Pass Gates, FL
• Marsh Lake, MN
• McCook Reservoir, IL (Stage I)
• Missouri River Levee System (Unit L385), IA, NE, KS
& MO (Deficiency Correction)
• Oakland Harbor, CA
• Port Lions Harbor (Deepening and Breakwater), AK
• Pine Creek Lake, OK (Dam Safety)
• Rio Grande Floodway, NM
• Savannah Harbor Disposal Areas, GA & SC (Dredged
Material Containment Area 13A)
• Tropicana and Flamingo Washes, NV (Deficiency
• Upper St. Johns, FL
Public Law 114-113 authorizes USACE to fund up to 10
previously unfunded studies and up to six previously unfunded construction
projects. The Army selected 10
previously unfunded studies and six previously unfunded construction projects
for funding based on performance and on considerations provided in the
Statement of Managers.
The Statement of Managers stipulates that of the 10 new
studies, three will be navigation studies, three will be flood risk management
studies, three will be environmental restoration studies, and the tenth can be
either a navigation or flood risk management study.
The 10 selected
studies are:
• Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Channels, AK
• GIWW, Brazos
River Floodgates and Colorado River Locks, TX
• Grand River Basin, IA & MO
• Lowell Creek Flood Diversion, AK
• Matagorda Ship Channel (Widening and Deepening), TX
• Rio Grande Basin, Sandia Pueblo to Isleta Pueblo, NM
• Savannah River Below Augusta Ecosystem Restoration, GA
• Souris River, ND
• Sweetwater Creek, GA
• Water Resources Priorities Study
The Statement of Managers also stipulates that of the six
Construction new starts, one will be navigation, one will be flood risk
management, one will be environmental restoration, and the remaining three can
be either navigation or flood risk management.
Construction new
starts in FY 2016 are:
• American River Watershed, Common Features Project,
Natomas Basin, CA
• Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Bridge Replacement at
Deep Creek, Chesapeake, VA
• Coyote and Berryessa Creeks, CA (Berryessa Creek)
(Funded to completion)
• Fargo, ND – Moorhead, MN Metropolitan Area
• Marsh Lake, MN (Funded to completion)
• Port Lions (Deepening and Breakwater), AK (Funded to
The work plan listing the amounts provided to various
programs, projects and activities for each of the four appropriations accounts
can be found at: http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/Budget.aspx
The Statement of Managers (Congressional Record, December
17, 2015, page H10056 et seq.) can be found at
441 G. Street, N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20314-1000