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Army Corps of Engineers Celebrates Completion of Renovations of Grant Hall and Barracks at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY

Published Aug. 27, 2020

Grant Hall at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, August 14, 2020. Renovations included restoration of exterior military gothic revival architecture.


Renovated dining facilities at Grant Hall, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, August 14,2020.


A representative discusses food and beverage options in a new concession area in Grant Hall, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, after Grant Hall officially re-opened August 14, 2020.

This fall, several hundred Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, will have improved living accommodations, due to major refurbishments recently completed at Grant Hall and Barracks by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New York District.

Barracks Upgrade Program

“Under the West Point Cadet Barracks Upgrade Program, the District is delivering modernized living facilities that increase space and reduce operating costs,” said Karen Ashton, Deputy Chief, Construction Division, Army Corps’ New York District. “The purpose of the program is to provide additional modern living space for the Cadets.”

Army Corps Oversight

Timothy Leonard, P.E., Resident Engineer and Administrative Contracting Officer, and Timothy Cain, Team Leader and Contracting Officers’ Representative for the West Point Cadet Barracks Upgrade Program, were responsible for overseeing quality assurance activities, modifications and coordinating construction in the Cadet area(s). Other members of the construction team were Erika Keutmann, responsible for the preparation and issuance of contract modifications and other administrative items, and Matt Scavarda, responsible for quality assurance and modification preparations.

Team Effort

“The Grant Hall completion was attributed to a team effort made possible by Resident Field Office personnel which oversees the program,” said Maj. Matthew Pride, Army Corps New York District Deputy Commander, who also participated in the ribbon cutting.   


On August 14, a gathering of military personnel and civilian employees from the New York District and the Academy along with contractors and other vendors, attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the completion of renovations to Grant Hall  ̶  both the barracks and ground-floor dining area.

West Point Officials

The ribbon was cut by Brig. Gen. Curtis A. Buzzard, 78th Commandant, U.S. Corps of Cadets, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, who addressed the audience. Also giving remarks were: Director of Cadet Activities for the Academy Col. Thomas Hansbarger; Chief of Operations for Grant Hall Maria Hoagland; and President of Kokolakis Contracting, Joseph Kokolakis.

Dining Hall-Cafeteria Upgrades

After the ceremony Hoagland provided a guided tour of the newly-renovated dining area/cafeteria.  Some of the improvements include: New kitchen equipment and appliances; an air conditioning system; restoration of historic painted concrete ceiling and wall paneling; and an exterior elevator for deliveries. Throughout the tour, representatives from new concessions outlined food and beverage offerings.

“I walked through the lobby and it is an amazing facility. I can’t thank all those involved with this project enough,” said Christopher D. Reinhardt, Chief of Military Programs Branch-North, Programs and Project Management Division, New York District.

Named After 18th U.S. President

Grant Barracks, formerly named ‘Old South Barracks,’ is named after U.S. Army General Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States and West Point graduate who also worked for the Army Corps. The barracks were constructed in 1931 and are the oldest Cadet barracks in use.

Upgrade Features

Major elements of the $63.5 million facelift include:

● 162 modernized rooms

● New mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems

● New heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems

● Collaboration rooms equipped with Wi-Fi to promote learning in large groups

● Restoration of exterior military gothic revival architecture