During September 2014, the Army Corps’ New York District conducted a harbor inspection which provided the venue and platform afloat for a forum with agency heads, civic leaders from municipal, state, and federal agencies to exchange ideas and dialogue about past, present and future efforts along the waterfront.
Aboard the Army Corps’ vessel MV Hayward, various Corps representatives and partners reviewed accomplishments, convened discussions about future partnering, restoration activities, water navigation, deepening the federal channels, operations and maintenance and waterfront planning.
The Hudson Raritan Estuary is within the boundaries of the Port District of New York and New Jersey, and is situated within a 25 mile radius of the Statue of Liberty National Monument in the center of the New York/New Jersey Harbor.
On the bow of the Army Corps’ vessel MV Hayward, attendees assembled as they traveled past various restoration sites along the shores of New York City and discussed identifying solutions aimed at restoration while building upon existing efforts. Partners discussed successes and methods to continue to work collaboratively and achieve a unified vision and synergy among the many initiatives aimed at establishing a “World Class Estuary.”