Public Meeting


July 2021 Update:

When: A Public Meeting will be held on July 29th, 6:00 to 8:00pm

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), is seeking public input on a Proposed Plan for cleanup activities at the Fort Hancock Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in Monmouth County, New Jersey.

USACE has identified unacceptable explosive hazards due to munitions and explosives of concern that may remain within Munition Response Sites at the Fort Hancock FUDS.  In coordination with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, USACE is proposing to mitigate these hazards by implementing the preferred remedial alternatives in three areas of the site.  The Proposed Plan summarizes all the remedial alternatives evaluated and discusses the reasons for choosing the preferred alternative.

Eastern Branch Monmouth County Library

1001 Route 35
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702-4398
(866) 941-8188 (toll free)

The goal of gathering information through presentation of the PP and the public comment period is to better understand the community’s awareness of the cleanup activity proposed in the PP based upon years of investigation and study, and to determine if the public is in agreement with the PP of site cleanup action presented by the USACE. Public comments will be used in development of a Public Responsiveness Summary that will guide USACE’s future cleanup actions onsite and in coordination with the community.

Click here to see the presentation for this meeting

A virtual public meeting will be held to discuss the Proposed Plan on July 29, 2021, starting at 6:00pm. Interested members of the public are invited to participate in the virtual meeting via the following WebEx link:

Web Conference URL:

Meeting number: 199 210 2927

Password: j3Rp9FN4mB*
Or, join by phone:
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
Access code: 199 735 4715

Please send your written comments postmarked or emailed by August 13,2021 to:

USACE c/o USEPA Region 2
ATTN: Ms. Kathleen Cuzzolino
2890 Woodbridge Avenue
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone: (917) 790-8330


Fort Hancock


Fort Hancock consisted of 1,691.63 acres fee and 1.14 acres easement on Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is performing a Military Munitions Response Protocol remedial investigation at the former Fort Hancock site as part of the Formerly Used Defense Sites program.

For more information about the Corps' ongoing efforts at Fort Hancock, please check out the project's fact sheet.

To view Public Involvement/Public Notices, please check out the Public Involvement/Public Notices page on this site.

To read the 2020 Final Feasibility Study, please check out the report.

To read the Final MMRP Remedial Investigation Addendum #3 Report, please check out the report.

The project manager for this project is Kathleen Cuzzolino, she can be reached via email at