The former Fort H G Wright is located in the town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York. The installation lies on the western and southern edges of Fishers Island between Long Island and Connecticut. (Congressional District NY-01).
The former Fort H G Wright was used from 1898 until 1949 for military training and coastal defense activities. The fort included 12 gun emplacements, small arms ranges, various buildings, and a small airfield. The gun armaments became obsolete by the end of World War II (WWII), and by 1959 the property had been transferred to various entities.
The following is a site-specific history of the munitions response site (MRS) associated with Fort H. G. Wright:
The Range Complex # 1 MRS consists of 13 gun emplacement areas known as the AA Battery, Battery Butterfield, Battery Clinton, Dynamite Battery, Battery Hamilton, Battery Barlow, Battery Marcy, Battery 215, Battery Dutton, Battery Hoffman, Battery Hoppock, anti-motor torpedo boat 913, and the Small Arms Range. Additionally, a second small arms range was identified during the Technical Project Planning meeting that was subsequently added to the 2007 site inspection (SI).
The munitions associated with the Range Complex # 1 MRS are small to large caliber munitions and small arms ammunition.
During field activities forming the basis of the 2007 SI Report, neither munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) nor munitions debris (MD) was observed. However, the SI Report notes that a stakeholder discovered numerous items while searching for artifacts in the area with a metal detector. Based on the recorded historical use and stakeholder discoveries, further investigation of Range Complex #1 is recommended, subject to availability of funds.
The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is conducting work at the site under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS).
To read a fact sheet on the project Click Here.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gregory Goepfert, Project Manager, at (917) 790-8235.