Regulatory Public Notices


Published June 25, 2018
Expiration date: 7/24/2018

The applicant, AMERCO Real Estate Company, has requested Department of the Army permit for the discharge of fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands to facilitate the construction of a self-storage facility.  The work would involve the discharge of fill material into 1.57 acres of emergent and forested wetlands for the construction of a two-story, 64,605 square foot (sf) self-storage warehouse, three (3) 5,013 sf detached storage units, and one (1) 5,525 sf detached storage unit.  In addition, two (2) covered RV storage areas, an 8,653 sf area and a 8,497 sf area, would be constructed along with associated parking.  To mitigate for the proposed impacts to aquatic resources, the applicant proposes to purchase the necessary mitigation credits from the Wetland Trust, Susquehanna Headwaters and Adjacent Basin Service Areas, at a rate of 1 credit per acre of impact.  The project site is located on the west side of NYS Route 30, north of Holland Circle Drive, in the Town of Amsterdam, Montgomery County, New York.