The applicant, City of Plattsburgh, has requested Department of the Army permit for work, including the placement of structures, in Lake Champlain, at Wilcox Dock in the City of Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York. The work would involve the construction of a docking facility, which would be maintained on a year-round basis. This facility would consist of a main pier moored by anchor blocks to the bed of the Lake, and oriented parallel to the shoreline. The main pier would be ten (10) feet wide by approximately 425 feet long, and would be attached to the shoreline by a gangway. The proposed gangway would be six (6) feet wide, and would extend no more than by 60 feet lakeward from the ordinary high water mark of the waterway. The main pier would also have twelve (12) finger piers, each 23.5 feet long; and two terminal piers, one at each end; all to establish docking slips, oriented perpendicular to the main pier, and moored by anchor blocks. The main pier assembly would be secured to the bed of the Lake by nine (9) concrete anchor blocks, eight (8) feet by eight (8) feet in size. The assembly, with a total area of 6,376 square feet, would have a total proposed mooring capacity of twenty-eight (28) vessels. The stated purpose of this project is to provide commercial docking services during the navigation season for recreational vessels.