Regulatory Public Notices


Published May 7, 2019
Expiration date: 6/6/2019

The applicant, New York City Economic Development Corporation, has requested Department of the Army authorization to perform maintenance dredging of a marina and entrance channel in Hammond Cove, The Bronx, Bronx County, New York with open-water disposal of the dredged material at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site (WLDS) and at a state-approved upland site. 

The proposed work involves mechanical dredging, using an “environmental” clamshell bucket to remove soft sediments, to 5-feet below the plane of Mean Low Water, with 1-foot of overdepth dredging, an approximate total of 10,500 cubic yards from a total area of approximately 7,460 square yards (67,140 square feet).  Of the total volume, approximately 2,000 cubic yards of silty material would be dredged from an area of approximately 1,370 square yards (12,330 square feet) (Area A) and transported to a state-approved upland location.  Of the total volume, approximately 8,500 cubic yards of sand and silt would be dredged from an area of approximately 6,090 square yards (54,810 square feet) (Area B) and transported to the WLDS.