Regulatory Public Notices


Published Sept. 18, 2020
Expiration date: 10/18/2020

The proposed work involves mechanical dredging, via an environmental bucket dredge of approximately 12,045 cubic yards (CY) of material from an irregularly-shaped area totaling approximately 76,000 square feet (1.79 acres) to a maximum depth of 6-feet below the Plane of Mean Low Water (MLW). Decanting of excess water at the dredging site is not proposed. All dredged material is proposed for deposition in dump scows for transport and open-water placement at the WLDS. The work includes the installation of an approximately 56-linear-foot bank stabilization consisting of approximately 21 CY of rip-rap located landward of the existing fixed pier and below the plane of Spring High Water. Also proposed is the installation of a 4-foot-wide by 110-foot-long west-facing main float, secured by two (2) timber pilings extending off of an existing four-foot-wide by 63-foot-long float with eight (8) 2.5-foot-wide by 20-foot-long finger floats, four (4) facing north and four (4) facing south and each secured by a timber piling.