Regulatory Public Notices


Published June 29, 2022
Expiration date: 7/11/2022

The applicant, the Albany Port District Commission, has requested Department of the Army authorization to discharge of fill material into 0.81 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands; dredging with upland disposal and 10-year maintenance dredging; and the construction of a new wharf, a new bridge, a warehouse and manufacturing facility with attendant features.  The project would expand the Port of Albany to facilitate the manufacturing and transport of offshore wind components.  The project site is located along the western bank of the Hudson River, in the City of Albany and Town of Bethlehem, Albany County, New York.  This notice supplements the previous notice published on May 24,2022, and briefly extends the public comment period by 15-days.

APPLICANT: Albany Port District Commission
106 Smith Boulevard
Albany, New York 12202

ACTIVITY: The discharge of fill material into 0.81 acres of waters of the United States,
including wetlands; dredging with upland disposal and 10-year maintenance
dredging; and the construction of a new wharf, a new bridge, a warehouse and
manufacturing facility with attendant features. The project would expand the Port
of Albany to facilitate the manufacturing and transport of offshore wind

WATERWAYS: Hudson River and Normans Kill

LOCATION: City of Albany and Town of Bethlehem, Albany County, New York