Regulatory Public Notices


Published Feb. 7, 2023
Expiration date: 3/9/2023

The applicant, Town of Southampton Board of Trustees, has requested Department of the Army (DA) authorization to conduct dredging, with ten-year maintenance with placement of all resultant dredged material along a beach located to the north of the dredging location. All resultant dredged material would be placed along the beach shoreline above the plane of Spring High Water (SHW). The project is located within Carter Creek a tributary of Shinnecock Bay in Town Southampton, Suffolk County, New York.

Applicant: Town of Southampton Board of Trustees
116 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY 11968

Waterway: Carter Creek, a tributary of Shinnecock Bay

Location: Dredge Location: Carter Creek and Shinnecock Bay

Dredge Material Placement Location: Beach placement above the plane of Spring High Water

Activity: Dredge with ten-year maintenance with Beach placement