Regulatory Public Notices


Published Feb. 7, 2024
Expiration date: 3/8/2024

The applicant, New York City Department of Small Business Services  has submitted a Prospectus for the proposed MARSHES Umbrella Mitigation Bank, located at the Bush Terminal Piers Park, Pier 7, Marginal Street and 43rd Street, Brooklyn, New York.

APPLICANT: Anthony Dell’olio, General Counsel
New York City Department of Small Business Services
1 Liberty Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10006

ACTIVITY: The Mitigation and Restoration Strategies for Habitat and Ecological Sustainability (MARSHES) Initiative Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus. 

WATERWAY: New York Harbor, Hudson River

LOCATION: The proposed Umbrella Bank Service Area includes all areas within the New York City Municipal limits divided into three Service Areas. These Service Areas are proposed to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for authorized unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States and/or State waters, including wetlands, within defined watershed areas. The three Service Areas as depicted on the Service Area Map (Exhibit A of Prospectus) include:

1) the portions of the Lower Hudson River Basin, also known as Hydrologic Unit Code 06 (HUC06) 020301, that are within the New York City Municipal limits and includes portions of the following HUC08 subbasins: Lower Hudson (02030101) and Sandy Hook-Staten Island (02030104);

2) the portions of the following HUC08 subbasins that are within the New York City Municipal limits: Bronx River (02030102), Long Island Sound (02030203), and Northern Long Island (02030201); and,

3) the portions of the following HUC08 subbasins that are within the New York City Municipal Southern Long Island (02030202), Mullica-Toms (02040301), and Sandy Hook-Staten Island (02030104).