Regulatory Public Notices


JML Construction Corp
Published Feb. 21, 2024
Expiration date: 3/21/2024

The work would involve the removal of approximately 151 linear feet (LF) of existing of bulkhead

and excavation of approximately 625 cubic yards (CY) from an approximately 4,664 square foot

(SF) area to expand the existing boat basin. The 481 LF of existing bulkhead would remain, and

the existing dilapidated sheet pile would be replaced as required. A new 43-foot-long bulkhead

would be installed to connect the boat basin to the existing bulkhead. Approximately 15 LF of

existing bulkhead would be removed to enlarge the opening of the existing basin and a 20-

foot-long wave break would be installed at the opening to the existing boat basin.


The work also includes the construction of a new approximately 5,392 SF boat basin with the

installation of approximately 216 LF of new bulkhead and a 16-foot-wide by 15-foot-long boat

launch. A total of approximately 1,130 CY would be excavated from a 5,392 SF area behind

the bulkhead to three feet below Mean Low Water. Approximately 60 LF of existing bulkhead

would be removed to create a new opening for boat access. A 40-foot-long and a 10-foot-long

wave break would be installed on opposite sides of the opening of the new boat basin.


A 10-foot-wide area along the existing bulkhead would be dredged to three feet below Mean

Low Water for approximately 25 CY. Approximately 260 CY of dredge and excavation material

would be placed landward of the bulkhead across four locations behind the

bulkhead totaling approximately 1,763 square feet, approximately 140 CY would be placed

below Spring High Water. The remaining 1,640 CY of dredge and excavation material would be

placed upland.