News Releases

Archive: September, 2018
  • Army Corps Announces Public Meetings for Rockaway Study with Revised Recommended Plan

    NEW YORK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District in cooperation with the non-federal and local sponsors, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the City of New York, respectively, is holding public meetings to provide study information and solicit comments on the revised Recommended Plan for the Atlantic Coast of New York, East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet, and Jamaica Bay Reformulation Study. The Revised Draft HSGRR incorporates comments received on the 2016 Draft HSGRR and is updated to reflect the subsequent changes to the Recommend Plan for addressing coastal storm risk for the communities surrounding Jamaica Bay and along the Atlantic Shorefront of the Rockaway peninsula.
  • Army Corps Releases Report for Coastal Storm Risk at Rockaway and Jamaica Bay

    The Army Corps announces the availability of the “Revised Draft Integrated Hurricane Sandy General Re-evaluation Report/Environmental Impact Statement, and revised General Conformity Determination” for Rockaway, East Rockaway, and Jamaica Bay.